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Ten Must-Have Hurricane Supplies

Services for Real Estate Pros with TMD Technology

Hurricane season is upon us once again. While your new Centerline home is designed to keep you as safe as possible, our seasonal weather threats have a way of sneaking in when it’s least convenient and most uncomfortable to do without power. While every homeowner’s needs are unique, here are ten basic items you should accumulate and keep on hand for the next six months. If you start stocking up early, severe weather won’t catch you unprepared or left to cope with a serious drain on your checking account in case of an emergency situation.

1. Cash. Only you know how much ready cash you and your family must have to get through a week or ten days without electricity for ATM withdrawals or credit card advances. Put away some cash each week until you have enough to meet your needs.

2. Pet Food and Medicine. It’s not a bad idea to stock up on your pet’s food, supplements and medicines. Nothing is worse than a last mad dash to the vet’s office or pet supply store when you have so much else to take care of.

3. Batteries and Alternative Power Chargers. While buying tons of AAA – C-sized batteries might seem very analog in today’s digital world take a look around your house and count how many items you still have that require batteries to keep you comfortable and informed during and after a hurricane. Search on-line for alternative power chargers for your Cell phone, computer tablet or electronic book. You’ll be glad of this resource when you need a charge on Day Three after a storm.

4. Charcoal or Gas for your outdoor grill. It’s been a long time since your last cookout. Now is the time to make sure you have plenty of supplies to fire your grill. It may be the only way you get coffee and a warm meal for some time.

5. Medical Prescriptions. Many people take daily meds. Often, your insurance company will only allow you to get a 30-day supply at a time. If this is the case, try to fill your scripts a few days early (not more than 5 days) to build up some reserves in case of an emergency.

6. Extra Food and Grocery Items. Stock up on extra non-perishable items like canned tuna and peanut butter.  Buy an extra manual can opener and paper items (towels, napkins and plates. Buy extra unscented bleach and garbage bags as well. Check and replenish your supplies of special needs foods if you or a member of your family has dietary restrictions.

7. If you own a generator, test it soon and perform any maintenance it might require immediately. Storing gasoline is difficult, don’t stock up until the storm threatens, but make sure you have enough containers to hold all the fuel you need.

8. Water. Check and replenish your supply. Stored, bottled water is really only good for one year. If you have any still stockpiled from last year, use it to water your plants and buy fresh for this season. It’s recommended you keep on hand 2.5 gallons of water per day, per person, in your household, and don’t forget your pet’s needs in the bargain. The last thing you need is a pet with digestive bug from drinking bad water.

9.  Tarps. It’s a good idea to purchase and store enough blue tarps to cover your roof if it’s damaged. Insurance companies require you to take immediate steps to mitigate any leaks or damage to your roof while you are waiting for it to be repaired or replaced.

10. Ice. Buy a bag each week until you have as much as your freezer can hold. You’ll be happy you did when you see all the desperate, unprepared people on TV.


Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Very good list! I agree about the cash, especially in small denominations .

Jun 09, 2012 11:42 AM
Thomas D
TMD Technology - Delray Beach, FL

Thank you. Check back throughout hurricane season 2012 for more tips and reminders!

Jun 10, 2012 11:13 PM