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Am I Real On Twitter? Um... Er... Gee... Let me think... (LOL)

Reblogger Paul Gapski
Real Estate Agent with Berkshire Hathaway / Prudential Ca Realty

I was cruizing around googles Ar search and came across this excellant post tha I want to reblog. I think us Active rainers should be aware of this to keep it fresh in our minds. Happy reading, I know I sure did.

Original content by C Tann-Starr

Yeah... that's me hanging out in 140 characters or less... seriously (LOL).

If you think you're talking to a secretary or virtual assistant you need to get that silly little thought out of your head. I am live actually listening to Pandora and Jango when I say I am listening to a particular tune at a particular time.

I usually listen to Internet radio while I'm writing and playing in my social media accounts and will check out other artist music links when people send them to me. I like listening to my own music as well as the compositions of others.

Expecting me not to listen to my own music is kind of stupid. I create what I want to hear so why shouldn't I listen to it? There is a "Play All" button on my Jango radio station that will let you hear all 35 of my songs.

There is also a buy button for any song that gets played on Jango and Pandora. When I hear an artist I like I buy the song if I want to add it to my collection. I like when Indie Artist follow me and chat about their music. Twitter gives you access to businesses and the people behind those businesses. Did you know that PDiddy, Martha Stewart and Pleasure Ellis will actually answer you back? I've been having a running chat with Zuri Allen Star for months now (LOL).

There isn't anyone else fooling around in my Twitter accounts. I am real on Twitter. So now you know...

P.S. I direct message a lot which is usually why I'm there. The music tweets are my way of letting my tweet peeps know I'm live and lurking in their stream. MY DMs go directly to my cell phone which is how I know I need to go log in, so don't abuse the privilege. People who constantly send crap to my cell phone get unfollowed. You can only direct message if both sides follow each other so I'm careful not to DM crap to my tweetpeeps because I would hate to have people I like unfollow me for acting stupid with their valuable time...

Twitter is important to me. I like chatting with people in London, Japan and Rio. ;-)

P.P.S. All my lines are in the Do Not Call registry so don't add me to any database to send me computerized messages or try to solicit the crap out of me (e-mail first if you're advertising something). You will get into trouble... I hate those computerized messages. I like chatting with real people but you have to understand that a social media relationship is not the same as a business relationship. :-)


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© Carolyn Tann-Starr, 2008-2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the re-blog authors (when appropriate)and Carolyn Tann-Starr is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Carolyn Tann-Starr, (the re-blog authors when appropriate) and Wordy C's Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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Ward Nasse Gallery

Kendall Grey  Jeaniene Frost  Faith Hunter  Stacia Kane  Sherry Soule

Alicia Anderson: Touched By People Places and Things


Tann Starr on Amazon.com

Life With Wee People

Outside Blog Minion Report


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Tann Starr on Jango Music

Tann Starr on Blip.fm

Felix Lipov, Official Photographer, Ambassadors of Chaos