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What apple pie can teach you about business

Services for Real Estate Pros with Magnets USA®
It's Thanksgiving and you're too busy with turkey, dressing and your famous from-scratch cranberry sauce to make your mother's favorite dessert: apple pie.  So, you hop over to the nearest chain grocery store to pick up dessert.Generic Pie vs. Homemade Pie

Making a beeline for the bakery, you see a table full of pies, 2 for $10. Heck of a deal! However, peering through the plastic covering, you see a completely generic apple pie. It looks…well…decent. It would do the trick in a fix, but it doesn't really fit in with the rest of your delicious meal. There is something about the look of that cardboard, cookie cutter crust that makes your stomach turn over. What is happening here?

Easy: you’re no fool. Your trusty senses are telling you: “these pies are cheap!” And your senses are right. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with choosing the quick and inexpensive option—your family wouldn’t judge you—and the pie would be okay, but “okay” isn’t what your Thanksgiving dinners are all about.

 A plump, juicy turkey, roasted carrots, turnips and potatoes—you don’t even buy cranberry sauce in the can.  It would be completely out of character for you to offer your guests a sub-par apple pie; because you pride yourself on quality.

Woman with homemade pie

 So, you wise up and head down to your local farmer’s market. There you find a little old lady selling a hearty selection of pies.  Pecan, cherry and of course—apple. Chatting for a few minutes you learn the woman made all of these pies herself, using her grandmother’s recipe. Her pies are $9 a pop.  Yeah, it’s no 2 for $10—but you can clearly see (and smell) a difference in quality. Fresh fruit is snuggly baked in a puffy, yet flaky, golden crust with fingerprint fluting.

 Yum. You don’t mind paying $9 for this heavenly creation—not one bit.  Why? First and foremost, because you know it’s going to taste absolutely divine. Also, buying within your community simply feels better than buying from a big chain.  You’re helping someone in your town and getting sweet, sweet apple pie in return.  You're having your pie and eating it too.

 The importance of quality isn’t restricted to food; most people who appreciate high quality food also appreciate high quality products and services as well.  And as you can plainly see, most people don’t mind paying a little extra if they know it’s to avoid sub-par apple pie (or products and services).

That’s why, here, at Magnets USA we offer promotional goods that—compared to our competition—might be considered more expensive. We don’t mind being loud and proud about the fact that we aren’t cheap. People these days may not know the difference between a turnip and a rutabaga, but I’ll be darned if they can’t tell the difference between generic, machine-made pie and scrumptious, homemade apple pie.

A traditional Thanksgiving Feast