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Scottsdale Real Estate 85256

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Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Community Information


Scottsdale Real Estate 85256Scottsdale real estate 85256 is a sparsely populated, suburban zip code in Scottsdale, Arizona. Median household income here ($25,964) is significantly lower than US average ($56,604). The population is racially diverse, younger, and mostly single. The average house value here ($75,000) is lower than in the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale metro area as a whole.

The median age here is 23. There are 2,284 men and 2,593 women. The median age for men is 22.3 while for women the median age is 23.8. 85256 Zip code is located in the Mountain time zone.

Looking for best deals in Scottsdale real estate? Surely, you've come into the right place as Scottsdale real estate 85256 is a great place to look for housing bargains. 

Click here to view available current listings in Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Income by Household

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Income by Household

Median household income in 85256 is $34,458 with 77 households earning between $35,000 to $40,000 annually.

Income levels are listed along the left side of the chart, and the number of households are displayed along the bottom.

Education: Highest Level Attained

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Education Highest Level Attained

For the zip 85256, 9.42% of the people have completed a bachelors degree as their highest education level.

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Crime Risk

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Crime Risk

The Crime Risk Index compares the likelihood of different crimes happening within this community to the national average.

The national average for each type of crime equals a score of 100.

A score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk.

Weather Risk

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Weather Risk

Weather Risk shows you the different kinds of extreme weather in an area, based on historical storm events and weather patterns.

The national average for each type of weather event equals a score of 100.

A score of 200 would represent twice the risk as the national average, and a score of 50 would represent half the risk.

Additional Statistics for Scottsdale Real Estate 85256

Scottsdale Real Estate 85256 Additional Statistics for Scottsdale, AZ

First time home buyer? or relocating? We can provide you detailed information about Scottsdale real estate 85256  community as well as the current market trends. Email or call us at 480-595-6412.

This article is brought to you by the Luxury Valley Homes team, your partner in your real estate needs. 
