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Q for Agents serving a diverse suburban Latino population

Real Estate Agent with gvconsulting

Last night, I spent a few hours looking at the numbers and distribution of Latinos across some 125 separate communities which comprise Nassau County. Unfortunately, the data is from the 2000 census, so it's utility is limited. Nonetheless, I'm struck by how dispursed the population was/is. Every hamlet, village, city and town has their share of Latinos. While some some percentage of these Latinos are of the immigrant laborer variety, most are not. Indeed, most have above average incomes if they own property anywhere in Nassau County. Some are very affluent as they live in some of the toniest places in America. 

I have a few questions:

1) Do any of you target Latinos on a regional basis (that is, you're not neighborhood-based)?

2) Do you serve Latinos across the full-spectrum of class, national origin and education?

3) Most importantly, what language are your marketing materials in given the diversity of the population?

BTW: My preference is for English language materials since most folks I know are fluent in English and many don't read Spanish. Am I wrong?