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Some FYI'S Can Be A Good Thing For Realtors And Your Clients

Real Estate Agent with Gary Love & RealtySouth

Hello Fellow Realtors and Friends,

Something I've started doing about a year ago for my customer/client database is a bi-monthly newsletter or better yet as I call it FYI From Gary Love of RealtySouth. All I do is research helpful hints of easy repairs for home-owners from professionals I know or gardening tips or cleaning tips. I'm getting such great response from this( at least 5 to 10 responses) every time I send one out. I also go into rates, tidbits of info on the market. I also offer my list of professionals and their numbers for what ever repairs they might need. And of course whats going on in and around Birmingham that seems to be of interest. Give it a try if you haven't already. It's simple and it works. And if I'm late getting the e-mail out, their e-mailing me wanting to know where their FYI is. They really look forward to it.

                                                          Good Selling,

                                                            Gary Love