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Branson Missouri Real Estate Market Report for December 2013

Industry Observer
Market Area: 65616
Listing Price $227,980
Listing Price Trend + 0.02%
Sold Price $209,080
Sold Price Trend + 3.7800000000000002%
Buying or selling a home involves many factors. Stay on top of current community trends by viewing these listing and sale prices, demographics, school performance, area comparisons, and more. Of course, you can always call or email for help understanding what this information really means for you.
By comparing these price trends, you'll have a good idea of where the market is heading. The median listing and sold property prices are calculated based on the market activity each month.


Some sales are not immediately available from public records. As they become available, the data are updated.

Chart Temporarily Unavailable

My market info shows an upward trend of home prices listed due to the sale of the lower priced homes making the foreclosure driven market sale prices lower which looks like a conflict when you first glance at the stats.  Reality and statistical charts are usually not the same thing and that is why you need a local professional to help you deal with the real world or real estate.

Whether you are buying or selling, professional Realtors@ are ready to help you with the local information and experience that will make it all come together for you.


