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RAMBLINGS................May, 2014

Real Estate Agent with Richard Sawdon Realty Nevada County, Ca.

By:  Diane Sawdon

I must confess that my yard stinks.  I know, I could be polite and say that certain areas have a bad odor, but, in actuality, it reeks!!   This year the deer population has been very pesty and Bambi and his Merry Band of Brothers seem to think that my little parcel of just shy of two acres is The All You Can Eat Buffet for Deer.   To try and defend our space against the attack of the ravenous deer population, we have invested way too much money in various and sundry products to deter the hungry herd from consuming our flora.   We have strategically placed “Yard Guards” which emit a piercing sound that is said to keep the critters away.   By now, they have figured out where to walk and not set off the annoying sound.  I am the only one, it seems, that is foolish enough to walk in the path of the Noise Monster.  My Roommate does not hear the sound, so he is not bothered at all.   We have sprayed many times with a concoction of coyote urine, garlic and rotten eggs and I will admit that this seems to work unless we forget to apply very frequently.   We have also learned the hard way not to stand down wind of the sprayer nozzle.   Our latest investment is a product called Deer No No.  While costing a small fortune, these little gadgets hang  on a branch in a small net pouch.  When opening the container, take a deep breath, stand back and do not breathe.   Hopefully, these will do the trick.  

To add to the glamourous garden odor is the fertilizer I used yesterday which contained large quantities of fish or seaweed or both.  The color of this product was algae green. My watering can is still outside in the fresh air.  My fingernails are slowly recovering.  I certainly hope that the plants appreciate all my efforts. 

For the first time ever, all of my Dogwood Trees are blooming, the Deutzias are a mass of white froth and even my Sun Azaleas are firey orange.  In this battle of Man vs. Beast, the one with the worst smells wins!!   

It is the month of May~~time to celebrate another Spring.  Go outside and enjoy the pleasures of Mother Nature.  Just stay away from my yard for another few days.