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Turbo-Charge Your Real Estate Business with PUBLICITY

Education & Training with Cannon Publishing Group

There's an old show-biz saying that goes, 'There's no such thing as bad publicity.'

That statement may be debatable, but certainly there is nothing bad about garnering a whole lot of good publicity, and a good publicity campaign sets you apart from your competitors. Right now, for real estate teams, there are three burning reasons to become a publicity-hound:

1. The real estate market industry is more competitive than ever, with over 2.7 million agents in the U.S. against a population of just over $300, million.

2. The industry is changing. According to Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New Mind, the era of the "knowledge worker" (i.e. manipulating information and deploying expertise) is over. Already, Web sites like myfuturenet.com and zillow.com are automating purchases and sales of real property.

3. Traditional advertising is becoming less effective. We don?t live in the Information Age; we live in the Information Overload Age. According to the latest statistics, we are hit with up to 5,000 advertisements every day. Radios now come with scan and seek buttons, and TiVo allows consumers to fast-forward through annoying chatter and ads.

In short, as the market slows down and as society and the economy change, your competitive edge becomes more and more important.

Here are the four main differences between publicity and advertising:

1. Publicity is free.

2. Adding publicity to your advertising campaign turbo-charges your promotional budget. According to publicity guru Arielle Ford, publicity is at least six times more believable than advertising.

3. Publicity tends to generate more publicity; it multiplies itself.

4. Publicity is sticky. People remember stories about you, and they then remember you!


For more information, check out Turbo Charge Your Business with Publicity published by RIS Media and available free on their web site.  Also check out Joan Stewart (aka The Publicity Hound) and subscribe to her free newsletter to stay up on the latest publicity tips and techniques for building your business platform.

Posted by

Joe Cooke
