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Today; 2/11/15

Real Estate Agent with Carolina One Real Estate
High 56  Low 39  Clear
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke...
Al says - "In my many years I have come to a
                conclusion that one useless man
                is a shame, two is a law firm,
                and three or more is a congress." - John Adams...
UAE - Fighter planes attacked Islamic State militants positions -
           Tuesday from an airbase in Jordan...
Washington - the White House proposed Tuesday to fight -
                      Islamic State terrorists without an "enduring
                      offensive combat" role...
Margie says - I was thinking about old age and decided -
                       that old age is when you still have something -
                       on the ball but you are just too tired -
                       to bounce it...
Moscow - Negotiators meeting in Minsk, Belarus reached -
                a tentative deal for a cease-fire in the Ukraine, Tuesday...
Yemen - The U.S. is closing the embassy...
Pat says - Why aren't ghosts very popular at parties?
                 Because they aren't much to look at...
More Snow - Predicted for New England Thursday...
Home Sales - in the Charleston Area hit an eight-year high in January...
Word for Today - succorance - \SUHK-er-uhns\ - noun - 1. The act of -
                            seeking out affectionate care and social support. ...
Surprising Uses for Greek Yogurt - Tenderize Meat - Increase the -
                             juiciness of roasts by marinating them overnight in -
                             Greek yogurt mixed with herbs and spices. From -
                              the Greek Diet by Sarah Toland and Maria Loi. ...
Thought for Today - "Without craftsmanship,
                                  inspiration is a mere reed
                                  shaken in the wind."
                                      ~ Johannes Brahms
Change the World ...