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Ho-Ho-Kus | Homes for Sale in Ridgewood, NJ

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams - The Pam Christian Group

Ho-Ho-KusHo-Ho-Kus | Homes for Sale in Ridgewood, NJ

Ho-Ho-Kus is a neighborhood located in Bergen County in the state of New Jersey. The zip code used in this area is 07423. Ho-Ho-Kus has a population of 4,124. The median age of residents is 43 years old. The population is evenly represented by both males and females. Ho-Ho-Kus has 1.74 square miles of total land area and .014 square miles of total water area. Ho-Ho-Kus shares borders with Hillsdale, Saddle River, Ridgewood, Waldwick, and Washington Township.

The median household income is $154,784. The median home value is $724,107. The median income and the median home value are significantly higher than the state average. The average commute to work time is 30 minutes. Many people live in Ho-Ho-Kus but work in a larger, nearby city. Unemployment in Ho-Ho-Kus is 5.6%. This percentage is lower than the state average. The median rent is $1,958. Ho-Ho-Kus is one of the most affluent communities in New Jersey.

The percentage of residents with a high school diploma or higher is 99.2%. This percentage is a perfect indicator of just how important education is to the residents of Ho-Ho-Kus. Ho-Ho-Kus School District enrolls students in grades K - 8. Total enrollment is approximately 650 students. Students in grades 9- 12 are enrolled in Northern Highlands Regional High School.

The average high temperature is in July at 84 degrees. The average low temperature is in January at 18 degrees. The highest recorded temperature was in July of 1966 at 102 degrees. The lowest recorded temperature was in January of 1961 at -16 degrees. The month of the year with the highest average amount of  precipitation is May with 5.14 inches.

If you're looking at homes for sale in Ridgewood, Ho-Ho-Kus or any of the surrounding communities, contact the Donohue|Christian Group at 917-751-3234. They are experts in the local real estate market and can help you find the best deals on homes, condos and other property.

Homes for Sale in Ho-Ho-Kus
Homes for Sale in Ridgewood, NJ

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