Every single day I learn lessons in business from daily activities....to learn more it is important to keep an open mind, open eyes, and open ears.  For example, this morning at 5:30 am I was watering my flowers, plants, and other garden items.  I noticed something that caused me to share this story.  

Where are all the weeds Jay?  I turned the soil in April, planted in May, and I am seeing wonderful results.  Hardly a weed was choking the life of the plants....why was this.

I then figured it out....instead of turning on the sprinkler and watering a general area including the small, medium, large plants and shrubs~I water each plant in and around the root system...sure this takes more time and effort; however, I noticed that I did not spend my time weeding and risking the plants from growing to their best potential.

In business, are we watering the weeds.  Are we generally spending time, marketing dollars, and effort on less than beneficial customers.  Do we just turn on a sprinkler and hope for great results....?

I suggest that we spend our best time with the winners not the losers....spend your time with the Eagles not the Ducks...appreciate your Raving fans not your potential suspects.

Today's garden lesson reinforces what I already know.  It will also cement the importance of creating great habits of appreciation and recognition to my team, employees, vendors, partners and all the wonderful plants in my garden.  Get rid of the weeds in life by spending your best efforts and time with those robust plants.


 Thanks for liking and sharing this article...Continued success to you in your business and your life...  ~  Jay


Jay McHugh is The Appreciation Marketing Expert.  His endorsements from Best Selling Author Brian Tracy and many others can be found on his Youtube Channel.  https://youtu.be/FCZ-nkgL6SY

Jay is contributor to Huffington Post 

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