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How to Prevent Mistakes During A Home Relocation

Real Estate Agent

A successful relocation to a new home means more than just packing your bags up and letting your movers throw your boxes into the truck.

Think of moving the same as you would with deploying a business strategy—it requires careful planning, monitoring your budget, hiring the right consultants, etc. When you mismanage those factors, don’t just expect added frustrations—expect disaster.

 Here are some suggestions to avoid when moving into a new home: 

 Overspending on electronics and furnishing too soon

 As I’m sure you are well aware, relocating is an expensive endeavor. Between real estate fees, closing costs, new homeowner’s insurance, the possible need for transportation (e.g., moving from a metropolitan area to the suburbs), and a catalog of other miscellaneous costs—you’re relocation process can quickly swallow you up with expenses.

So, hold on with buying the non-essentials until things boil down and your overheads are taken care of.

 If money is running thin after the relocation process is all said and done, it may be advisable to place yourself on a budget. One great idea, for example, is to invest in a service like DirectTV + Internet Packages, which bundles high-speed Internet with premium satellite television programming. This ends up saving you money because bundling services like these together gives consumers a cheaper rate versus buying them individually.

Forgetting that moving isn’t a huge job

Relocation can be an exciting time. Between discovering a new environment and social life, possibly higher paying salary coupled with a better home—“moving day” can seem like a lifetime away.

However, many homeowners forget just how big a task moving actually is. For example, finding a viable moving company is not as simple as it may sound, and the longer you wait towards moving day, the better chance you have of experiencing a nightmare scenario: not finding a moving service, or finding one with high rates and poor service.    

 If you’re planning to skip hiring a moving service all together and invest in a renter’s truck, plan well in advance of the scheduling date, how much space you’ll need, directions, etc.

Remember, by planning ahead, you’re saving yourself from a headache of avoidable frustrations as a result of your 'procrastination of excitement.'

Hoarding your home equipment together

Another common mistake homeowners on the move make is packing up every single item from their previous home into their new one. This may seem like an easy way to make the moving process more efficient, however, it ends up doing just the opposite.

For one thing, extra items equal extra weight, so you may end up spending more on your movers who have to do additional work to jam all your items in. Packing up all of your items can also educe added, yet needless stress. Disorganization is an often affect of over packing your materials as finding new places to store them quickly becomes time-consuming and annoying. 

However, moving also gives you the perfect opportunity to explore through the items you no longer need—reducing stress by providing you with more room to store items you may actual need in your new home.

Leverage your move to your advantages and cull your possessions. Get rid of clothes that no longer fit, equipment you no longer used , outdated electronics, books you’ve already read, etc.
