Facebook has grown to over 1.5 Billion (with a B) users worldwide and their platform is being continually enhanced to create more fun and engaging experiences for users to connect and share their life with family, friends, the world.

The critical mass that is Facebook must not be ignored by businesses. Owners of SMBs I speak with tend to have a myopic view of the Facebook platform and how they can use it as part of their sales, marketing and public relations program.  Here's a fresh way to view Facebook and why it must be on the business RADAR.  

The advent of Facebook Live streaming has opened the doors for using Facebook in a whole new way.  ESPN, E!, NBC, FOX, Discovery, NatGeo, - what are all these?  They are all media networks of course.  Notice what Netflix has done to grow audience? They created House of Cards - their own content - and it's good, consumable content. The kind people will pay for.  Netflix is not longer the modern day Blockbuster video rental store.  Rather, Netflix is now a media network as well.

Has the light bulb gone off over your head yet?  If not, ask yourself, what is Facebook in the context of these aforementioned channels?  It's another network. It's YOUR own media network for your business. And it cost you nothing. No special equipment, studio space, green screen, travel budget, on-air talent.  With just your smart phone and an internet connection your business suddenly, and quite fortuitously, now has its own media network at the ready. Use it tobroadcast company events, news, product announcements, community involvement...the office surprise birthday party.

Your business can now instantly broadcast to the world and drive organic engagement. At least in the short term, we are seeing on Facebook a significant increase in engagement with video content compared to traditional Facebook posts.  This engagement boost will translate into building more audience organically (that's marketing speak for "free").

In life and in business there are leaders and followers, early adopters and resistors.  Where do you want your business to be on this spectrum.  How will you feel if your competitor across town suddenly launches a weekly video programusing their free Facebook media network?  The train is leaving the station. Don't be left behind.