Special offer

Listings: Gain The Competitive Upper-Hand.

Services for Real Estate Pros with PropertyMinder, Inc.


Tim here - with big news.
San Jose, California (location of 
PropertyMinder headquarters) has now been deemed (by multiple sources) the most competitive residential real estate market in the nation.

Click here for an infographic highlighting all of the official statistics
 (+ how YOU can get equipped with cutting-edge marketing designed in the heart of the most competitive - and hottest seller's market - in the nation).

If you need added convincing, check out these hot-off-the-press headlines:

- "San Jose Most Competitive Real Estate Market, Tops Above Asking Sales"
- "
San Jose is the nation’s most competitive housing market, says report."
- "
Faced with sky-high prices, homebuyers look to leave Bay Area"
It’s a seller’s market again as prices surge across Bay Area and supply dwindles"

Cheers to a fabulous weekend,

Director of Marketing
(408) 213-4668