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Creating a Budget Outline

Education & Training with Corcoran Consulting & Coaching

The purpose of this exercise is to identify the strategic and non-strategic costs of a company so that the whole organization knows how to save money and help make a profit.


Position With Overall Accountability: CEO or General Manager (whoever has the responsibility for the financial well being of the company)


Reporting Positions: All


Staff Positions: All


Items Needed: All costs within the company




•1.                  All Department Heads shall review budget and direct any and all questions to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or General Manager (GM).


•2.                  All company employees and salespeople shall adhere to company budget.


•3.                  The CEO reserves the right to alter budgets provided that alterations add to the profitability of the company.


Make A Commitment: I will review my Budget vs. my Actual income and expenses on a monthly basis. 

Deadline: _________


This week's document: Budget Outline Strategic vs Non-Strategic Costs