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People Things : Real Estate vs Mortgages

Mortgage and Lending with Mortgage Magic

One thing I always liked about real estate is that we were taught to be "color blind".  We do not red line, block bust, or steer.  From all my studies we are to simply treat everyone with respect, professionalism, and to follow the Golden Rule.

In loans I wonder not about the mortgage lenders or the banks. I wonder about Government and the required Government Monitoring Systems. Requirements from the loan application:


Sex. The borrower can mark Male and Female - to me, that is OK but if the borrower chooses to mark "I don't want to provide this information", the loan officer MUST choose and mark a box.

Ethnicity. The borrower again can mark anything they want and the loan officer does not make any changes but if the borrower marks "I do not choose to provide this information" the loan officer MUST mark a box that they think is correct.

Race. I still have not figured out the difference between race and ethnicity (don't email me, I don't even care if there is a difference) - Here again, the borrower can mark anything but if the borrower chooses to mark "I do not choose to provide this information" the loan officer MUST mark the box that the loan officers feels is correct.

If I am a borrower and I mark "I do not choose to provide this information" that means "it is not any of your darn business". 

In the movie The God's must be Crazy the character referred to people in the telescope as "People Things". To me, and I mean this with respect, my clients are "People things".