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16 Points How an Above Average Realtor Acts & Thinks Like

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart

1 Not a part of a team because, when you are earning your keep you are better than most, why let some else share in your wealth?

2 Whether it is your first year or your 27th year, selling a minimum of 20 homes a year.

3 Making it a point to contact everyone who knows you, trusts you and likes you by phone, by email, and in person every 45 to 60 days.

4 Believing in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you have lost before you have begun.

5 Enjoying the business.

6 Knowing that you know that you know what you are doing on a regular basis.

7 NEVER use the word: BUSY. After all anyone who is 27 years younger than you or 49 years older than you, you have the exact number of hours in every day as they do.

8 Caring about every person you are helping.

9 Remembering the nicer you are to everyone you help the better off you will be, and the more they will talk positive about you to your back and you will never know about it.

10 Having the wisdom, discipline and courage to know when you are missing any of these points it is time for you to remove yourself from the game.

11 Helping all other agents, even whey they are not polite to you. Realize they may have more problems at home than you do, and it is showing the wrong way.

12 Understand if you are not having fun, and enjoying this business, and earning a good living, you could be better off somewhere else.

13 Realize there may be more people trying to sell marketing that won’t work for you than their real estate agents in America. They had a dream and was told Realtors are rich, make a lot of money and have no idea where to invest all of it. STAY AWAY FROM giving your money away. You work hard for it.

14 If you took a 50% cut in pay and were still enjoying what you do, you may be in the right career. If you are not, take time out, get in a quiet place for an hour and do some serious thinking, to realize this may not really be the best thing for you.

15 When some one who has had a license for seven years and sold four houses, tries to tell you how to run your business, politely somehow tell them you have done far more than they have, and that you like trying to figure it out on your own.

16 When you look up 100 agents in 90 days, and see how long they have been in the business and how many homes they have sold you will quickly know if you are average or above average. And if you are above average, you will be happily surprised at what the rest are accomplishing.