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Can a Coach Help Your Real Estate Game?

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If you’ve been struggling as a Realtor®, you’ve probably wondered who you can ask for help. Hopefully your broker can offer some support, but what if you need more?

You may have thought about hiring a real estate coach. But will a coach really make a difference in your business? It depends – find out more below.

What is a Real Estate Coach?

The word “coach” is a catch-all that can mean almost anything. That’s why it’s important to carefully review and vet people before you choose to work with them.

Here are some of the real estate coaches you may encounter:

  • Life coach: someone who will help you set personal and professional goals, and encourage you to move toward them
  • Performance coach: someone to help you increase your effectiveness and productivity
  • Specific skills coach: someone to build your skills in a specific are, such as real estate marketing
  • Business coach: someone who focuses only on professional goals, with a focus on building your business and increasing your income

Knowing what you need is essential to finding the right coach. Each coach has different experience, expertise, and focus. You may need to interview several within a category before you find what you need.

When a Coach Would Help You

Do you need a coach right now? Here are some ways to know that hiring a coach could make a big difference in your business.

  • You’re ready to implement changes in your life or business
  • You have long-term goals but don’t know how to set short-term goals to get there
  • You need specific skills and are looking for someone to train you
  • You need external accountability and perspective to reach your goals and build your business

To find a good coach, first of all make sure they’re qualified. They should not only have their own success, they should have evidence that they’ve helped others achieve success as well.

Pro tip: Look up the Realtors® that gave testimonials. Are they still in business and successful? 

Secondly, they need to mesh with your style. If you’re laid back, a Type A coach who’s all about the hustle is probably not for you. Find a coach who can help you become your best self.

Pro tip: Don’t get coaching to become someone else. Know your strengths and build on them! 

When Coaching Would NOT Help You

There are plenty of times when you don’t need a coach. Coaching is not for everyone, and someone pretending it is is dishonest.

Here are times when a coach would not be a benefit:

  • If your broker offers training or mentorship – generally it’s better to take the lower-cost, in-house option
  • You are clear about your goals and the process to reach them – it’s just taking time
  • You don’t have the extra income to afford one. Don’t go into debt for coaching!
  • If you’re looking for someone to confirm your existing opinions and aren’t open to alternate ideas
  • If you’re trying to become someone you admire (rather than build on your own strengths)
  • You have no idea what you’d hope to accomplish with a coach

Don’t assume you need a coach. Generally, you need a clear, specific objective that you plan to use a coach to reach. If you know you need sales skills, and a coach is the best way to get them, go for it. But if you’re generally listless and hoping someone will help you find your way in life, you’re probably wasting money hiring a coach.


Speaking of skills, how’s your real estate marketing going? We’d be happy to chat with you about your marketing strategy – for FREE! Contact us any time.


Have you used a coach? Why or why not? Share in the comments!


This post originally shared on PrinterBees' Real Estate Marketing Magazine

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