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Lame Replies to Mobile Notary - Realtors too?

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Lame Replies to Mobile Notary

There are just about zero search results for someone who offers a walk in notary service in Manhattan; and has no other service offerings. A “notary only” walk in location is, with NYC rents, the surest and quickest way to going bankrupt. Some offer walk in notary service as a sideline, but on a very limited basis. Many of my clients report that the notary is not in when they get there. Frequently the “bank notary” is very choosey as to what they will process. Of course only for the favored clients of the bank, but even then there are limitations. I commonly receive feedback that getting a power of attorney is extremely difficult. Perhaps, because the parent firm is wary of being involved in litigation.

 Thus, in addition to the “live ones” I receive many “dud” calls, they want a walk in two dollar notary service. In their fantasy they envision a richly appointed office, complete with toilet and free coffee. I have had callers asking me to “stay open an hour or two late” as they were not sure exactly when they would be presenting me their two dollars!

It gets humorous at times when they realize that my service is not walk in; but rather that I would be going to them. Most understand that they have not reached the elusive walk in advertiser, but connected with a mobile service. Not wishing to schedule an appointment and pay the higher mobile notary fee, they often bestow upon me interesting reasons. Not all do that. Some face the situation honestly and respond that a mobile service is not what they were looking for. I admire their frank and direct responses. But the others…….

Let me gather my thoughts. I need my spouse’s permission. I don’t think it would be as valid if you notarized at my location than if you notarized at your location. If you want to come to me and charge me the same two dollars, I’m willing to wait half an hour for you. I’m not sure that it needs to be notarized. I just wanted to know where a notary was in case I needed one. It’s risky to sign papers, can you just notarize it and perhaps I will sign it later. There are two documents that need to be notarized and a different notary is required for each, I thought you were a notary central with multiple notaries always available. Are you a 24 hour notary, I’m not sure when I will want you. Lastly, let me add my all time favorite response: Do you charge for your services?

Some shift into the classic “it aint me” position. When I inquire as to what needs to be done, they fall back to “it’s for my boss, I was not told what, only to find a notary”. One said they “were in a cloud” and only know the unopened package of documents needs to be “processed” by a notary. I wondered if that cloud was raining upon them. Frequently the clock is the culprit. Can I swing by in the next half hour? I reply that I could be at their location in under half an hour. But, I don’t think my papers would be ready in time for your arrival, can I “get back to you”.

Actually I have a somewhat unfair advantage. I have had the same conversation hundreds of times and know all the right questions. Some “aggressive” callers will push me for a fee quote without giving me any details. I give them the analogy of calling a plumber, complaining of water on the floor and wanting, with just that information, a firm quote to find and fix the leak.

However silly, each caller must be greeted with respect and politeness. Many say they will have to call back, assure them in a sincere tone of voice that you will be waiting for their call.