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Remember Alvin and the Chipmunks?

Mortgage and Lending with Capitol Mortgage Corporation

Last night we were sitting down as a family having dinner as usual and recapping the day. When I asked my kids earlier today what they did they said that they had watched Alvin and the chipmunks. My oldest daughter decides to tell me that she is "Simon", my son is "Alvin" and my youngest daughter is "Theodore." Everyone remembers the chipmunks and the description could not have been more correct when it relates to my children. Then my oldest says I am "simon" because I am the smartest. I am smarter than Alvin. Being the father that I am I say to her, "If you are so smart "Simon" why don't you say your alphabet backwards." My daughter is six years old and without hesitation she rattles off the whole alphabet, "backwards" in the perfect order. I was amazed but at the same time I was not.

As kids we desire learning. That is all we do. We want to know "why" and "how come" and "for what reason." As adults we lose a sense of that. We become complacent in our learning. We begin to think that we know it all. My mentor once said to me that "you are either growing or you are shrinking." He was talking about a business but I think that this translates to individuals as well. You can always learn something from someone. It is your discernment that allows you to siphon out the good from the bad and help determine when this information may be useful.

To learn you have to be cautious. You have to be able to listen. You have to ask questions. This is a lost art is sales especially in Real Estate when agents and loan officers get caught up in the transactional moment of a commission. I will leave you with this thought, "Learning is Earning." To learn we have to listen and ask questions. You will be amazed at what our clients will tell us when we are listening.

Revert back to the days when reciting your ABC's backwards while showing up your father was nothing more than an experience. Begin living each transaction as a learning experience with the same blind ambition as a kid and watch your business grow. "No Fear" is the way kids live. In the words of Wayne Gretsky, "you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take."

As Always thank you for Reading..................................