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How to Choose a Virtual Assistant Company

Education & Training with MyOutDesk

Once you’ve decided to hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant, finding the right company to partner with is the first step you should consider. Hiring a freelancer or individual not attached to any company is also an option. However, keep in mind that hiring with a company affords you better protection as well as better chances to truly find the right talent to match yours.

For instance, out of 22,630 applications, MyOutDesk has only hired 2.2%. This is because of our stringent vetting process and dedication to finding just the best of the best. A virtual assistant company can make sure that when you are ready to hire, you get candidates that have already been pre-screened and found to be a viable match for your business. When looking for the right real estate virtual assistant, you need to create a posting, look through applications then select and interview the best candidates.  Find a virtual assistant company that will be able to cover these crucial yet time-consuming steps for you. All you should have to do is select your favorites from viable candidates.

Read more HERE.
