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How to Protect Skin from Chlorine in Pool

Education & Training with Big Show Realty

Chlorine in pools can be good for your well-being as they kill bacteria, but the truth is that they aren't too gentle on your hair or skin. It can cause irritation on the skin which may lead to acne, dryness, flakiness, and more. So, don’t know how to protect skin from chlorine in pool? This guide will go over nine tips to help prevent skin damage from your pool.

How to Protect Skin from Chlorine - Nine Simple Tips

Tip #1 - Take A Shower Before Diving In

A quick shower can build up a sort of water barrier for your precious skin and hair. Make sure that your hair and skin are thoroughly soaked to ensure maximum protection.

Tip #2 - Put Some Hair Oil

Experts say that putting on conditioner or hair oil right before swimming will create a nurturing layer that staves off harmful pool chemicals such as chlorine and the like. It's best to go with natural oils or a deep conditioner, a cap and out of direct sunlight if you can avoid it.

Tip #3 - Apply Some Skin Lotion

Skin lotion is to your skin as hair oil is to your hair. The idea behind this is that you'll want to be shielded from the elements and chemicals as much as possible. The rule of thumb is that you should put on some lotion or oil if swimming indoors and sun protection if you're taking a dip outdoors.

Tip #4 - Put On A Swim Cap

Take every precaution to minimize the damage as you swim in a chlorinated pool. After you've showered and applied the hair oil, put on the swimming cap. You can skip the shampoo or conditioning part if you have an excellent, tight-fitting cap that locks your hair in against all kinds of exposure, but washing your hair should provide the best results.
If you don't have a swimming cap, tie your hair up instead to limit the damage.

Tip #5 - Choose Outdoor Pools

If you are given a choice to swim between an outdoor or indoor pool, choose outdoor. Aside from being good for your lungs, sinuses and eyes, these pools have less chlorine as most of it will have escaped through the open air.

Tip #6 - Take A Shower Right After Swimming

Wash as much chlorine out of your skin and hair as possible with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo. Leave the water and shampoo on for a few minutes so they can take out the chlorine hanging around in the hair follicle area.

Tip #7 - Don't Forget The Conditioner And Moisturizer

After washing, massage a deep moisturizing conditioner into your hair and a skin care product made of natural oil or butter for your skin.

Tip #8 - Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar will work wonders as a rinse to remove chlorine from your hair and skin. Moreover, this natural substance helps eliminate other harmful compounds such as salt, copper and other contaminants without any harmful effects to your body.

Tip #9 - Say No To Dryers

After washing, conditioning and applying moisturizer, it's time to untangle. Don't dry your hair as it could lead to damage. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb and pat your skin and hair dry with a towel.

Bottom Line

Having chlorine in your pool is essential as it kills off germs and bacteria, but it can also be damaging to your skin. So, don’t know how to protect skin from chlorine in pool? Simply follow these nine tips to prevent major damages or dryness to your skin.


I wish I had found this blog post earlier! It would have saved me a lot of time and trouble. Great information. Some more tips I described at my blog https://medium.com/@s.joana/the-main-ways-from-neora-to-protect-your-skin-from-chlorine-a06d26fca5df

Jul 14, 2020 04:38 AM