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Moving and Decluttering

Services for Real Estate Pros with Pro Services

Most of us have more stuff than we need. Homes are crammed with all sorts of things we never really use. Basements are overflowing with old furniture, heirlooms and hand-me-downs, garages are full of beach gear, sports equipment and camping paraphernalia. We rarely think about the excess junk until it’s moving time. Then it’s suddenly clear how the excess junk can make moving and decluttering a headache.

Moving and Decluttering - What You Should Know 

Some moving and decluttering tips include acknowledging that belongings have an emotional standpoint, decide on what’s clutter and what’s not and more.

Making Your Home Your Sanctuary

With a little adjustment, you can make your home a sanctuary and make moving much easier. Invest some time in decluttering your home and get rid of any unwanted items and part with collectibles, old toys, dishes and any other items you no longer need.

1. Acknowledge That Belongings Have an Emotional Standpoint

One of the main reasons decluttering turns out to be difficult is because of the emotional attachment we have for our belongings. They’re often more than just mere objects. Maybe you like to have two or three extras of an item – deep down, the extra items represent the concept of safety. Or maybe you don’t want to keep all the stuff you got from your mother, but you feel guilty every time you have to throw something away. Accepting the fact that your stuff is more than just stuff will go a long way in helping to address some of the underlying reasons you just can’t seem to let go.

2. Decide What’s Clutter and What’s Not

Sorting your stuff is an essential part of the decluttering process. Before you begin, set a few rules for what goes and what stays before downsizing. This is especially critical if you’re planning to do some serious decluttering. Things can get a bit complicated but you want to get rid of everything except items that “spark joy.” Technical gadgets or practical items such as kitchen utensils should be items you use every day, so if you haven’t touched them for more than six months you need to throw it away. The same goes for shoes you haven’t worn in a year or clothes that no longer fit you. You can always buy new clothes if you gain or lose weight in the future. This tip is essential for those who are planning on moving out of state and don’t want to spend a fortune on moving costs.

3. More Stuff Equals More Time

One thing that can help you declutter is the realization that more stuff will take up more of your precious time. Think about the time commitment that each object you own demands. This is especially true if you’re struggling with parting with items you know you don’t use. Each item you own must be maintained, cleaned and moved when it’s time to move. Noticing how your stuff tends to consume more of your time will make it easier to say bye.

4. Start with the Easy Stuff

The best way to deal with clutter is to start early in the packing process of your home or apartment. Don’t wait until it’s time to move as cleaning out stuff can get overwhelming. You can go through the laundry basket and sort through old mail in just about an hour or two. As you work, split the items into three piles: to donate, to toss, to keep.

Bottom Line

It’s okay to feel a bit sad, but don’t keep stuff out of obligation or guilt. With these moving and decluttering tips, you can get rid of the excess baggage and realize that you’re also giving yourself a new life.

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