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The Power of Words Produce Extraordianry Results

Mortgage and Lending with Silverstar Finance Inc.

Over the last couple of days, I have been at a Mortgage Planning Summit in Las Vegas. I have been surrounded by several top mortgage planners in the country, peers and business coaches who have the insight and wisdom to help us through the tough times. And lets face it, it's a tough time in our industry right now!

I wanted to share with you a couple of insightful thoughts that I find meaningful and extremely valuable and I believe you will too.

Trust and Stress
Don Hutson, co-author of The One Minute Entrepreneur talked about the inverse relationship of trust and stress in business. When trust is high, stress is low and vice versa. When I think about this in perspective to my clients, I realize that when I trust in myself, my clients place higher trust in me, our relationship or transaction is smooth and there is very little stress. However inversely, when I do not trust that I am going to create new business, work with a particular client or earn enough money, my fear about not having enough money and my finances creates lack of trust in my own abilities and then projects out to my clients and referral partners and I manifest just that, lack of new business. Nobody wants to do business with someone who is not confident in their skills.

Choice, Focus and Vision
Jack Canfield, author of the chicken Soup series and The Secret gave me these thoughts to consider. I have a choice. I can focus on my reality OR I can focus on my dream. By focusing or visualizing only on what I want, I will change my reality. And the opposite is true, limiting beliefs, negative words and thoughts truly hold me back from being successful.

Self Talk
The most powerful force I have in my life are the words I use. What I tell myself and others, the language that I use is what my subconscious believes. If I am negative, tell myself "I can't" or "I'm bad at it", that's exactly what will I will get. Keith Cunningham, personal coach and regular speaker with Tony Robbins, T.Harv Becker and Robert Kiyosaki also spent time discussing how personal growth is always outside our comfort zone.

Ask yourself this question, "What can I do today to improve my situation?"

Ordinary things done consistently produce extraordinary results. "Aging wrinkles your skin. Quitting wrinkles your soul.", Keith Cunningham.

Surround Yourself with Eagles
And finally, Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans. Successful leaders work for their team, they empower their team and uplift them. A true leader gets out of the way so that everyone else can be magnificent. I believe this is also true when working with clients. Guide and support my clients so they can achieve extraordinary results. There is not need to act as if I did it alone.

As I navigate my way through this changing time, I continue to remind myself of the incredible opportunities that surround me everyday to grow my business and revenue stream and more importantly to help and uplift my clients, peers and strategic partners to be successful in reaching their goals and dreams.

I truly believe that in giving, I receive. Have a super week!