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Real Estate Statistics and Trends for Mobile and Baldwin County - May 2008

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty ARE# 84291-0
The Mobile County and Baldwin County MLS Statistics and Trends have been calculated based on closed transactions in the month of May 2008. The following charts show units sold, the median sales prices of homes sold, the number of units available for purchase at the beginning of the month, the days on market for homes sold, and absorption rate which is the number of months of inventory. As you will be able to tell, the market continues to pick up. The spring and summer season traditionally are hot in more than 1 way. This year is not different. The Mobile real estate market is much more active that its corresponding market in Baldwin County as we have seen an increase in number of sales for 4 straight months.

The trends shown on the following spreadsheets and charts are for sales that have occurred in the entire county reported. The numbers in certain neighborhoods or portion of a county could be much better than what is shown on these reports.

Units Sold
There was an increase in the number of sales in both Mobile County and Baldwin County from the April’s reporting period. Looking at the trends the number of units sold has decreased 7% in Mobile County in the past year. The number of sales have decreased 21% in Baldwin County in the past year. Here is this month’s data and charts: Google Docs - 200805 Mobile Baldwin MLS Trends


Aug 2006Sep 2006Oct 2006Nov 2006Dec 2006Jan 2007Feb 2007Mar 2007Apr 2007May 2007Jun 2007Jul 2007Aug 2007Sep 2007Oct 2007Nov 2007Dec 2007Jan 2008Feb 2008Mar 2008Apr 2008May 2008





Median Sales Price
The median sales price in Mobile rose $1000 in the past month. In Baldwin County, there was a $5000 decrease in Median Sales Price. Overall Mobile has shown a 4% drop in median sales price from May 2007 to May 2008. In Baldwin County, the drop in prices is more dramatic. The $180000 figure is 10% lower than it was last year at this time. Google Docs - 200805 Mobile Baldwin MLS Trends


Aug 2006Sep 2006Oct 2006Nov 2006Dec 2006Jan 2007Feb 2007Mar 2007Apr 2007May 2007Jun 2007Jul 2007Aug 2007Sep 2007Oct 2007Nov 2007Dec 2007Jan 2008Feb 2008Mar 2008Apr 2008May 2008





Units Available
The Units Available data from the Mobile MLS where Units Available include Condominiums and Mult-Family Units. In Baldwin County Units Available is only Single Family Homes. With that being said, it is obvious there is a tremendous amount of inventory in Baldwin County. The inventory levels increase very slightly in the past month in both counties. In fact the increase was less than 1%. In looking at annual trends the inventory in Mobile is about 26% higher than it was in May 2007. In Baldwin County, inventory levels have increased around 3%. Google Docs - 200805 Mobile Baldwin MLS Trends


Aug 2006Sep 2006Oct 2006Nov 2006Dec 2006Jan 2007Feb 2007Mar 2007Apr 2007May 2007Jun 2007Jul 2007Aug 2007Sep 2007Oct 2007Nov 2007Dec 2007Jan 2008Feb 2008Mar 2008Apr 2008May 2008





Days on Market
The Days on Market field tells you on average how long it takes to sell a unit. The data only includes units sold, so unsold units are not part of the calculations. In Mobile we have seen the number of days increase significantly. This is to be expected as the inventory levels rise, the marketing days should also increase since there is more homes for buyers to choose from. In Mobile County, it is taking around 90 days to sell a property. This is up 33% from May 2007. In Baldwin County, the Days on Market is roughly 5 months, and that number is about 60% higher than it was at this time last year. Google Docs - 200805 Mobile Baldwin MLS Trends


Aug 2006Sep 2006Oct 2006Nov 2006Dec 2006Jan 2007Feb 2007Mar 2007Apr 2007May 2007Jun 2007Jul 2007Aug 2007Sep 2007Oct 2007Nov 2007Dec 2007Jan 2008Feb 2008Mar 2008Apr 2008
May 2008





Absortption Rate
The Absorption Rate data tells us how many months of inventory there is available. It is calculated by dividing the number of unit available by the number of units sold. In months where the sales numbers are up, the absortion rate will go down. This is what we saw in May of 2008. Units Available data from the Mobile shows a decrease of 15%. In Baldwin County, the drop was even more dramatic as there was a 20% drop. Both counties would be considered buyers markets because the number of months inventory is greater than 6 months. Google Docs - 200805 Mobile Baldwin MLS Trends


Aug 2006Sep 2006Oct 2006Nov 2006Dec 2006Jan 2007Feb 2007Mar 2007Apr 2007May 2007Jun 2007Jul 2007Aug 2007Sep 2007Oct 2007Nov 2007Dec 2007Jan 2008Feb 2008Mar 2008Apr 2008
May 2008





Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these statistics. You can click on the following link to e-mail us Click here to e-mail

There is a snapshot of this month’s MLS Statistics available on our website. Please click on following link This Month’s MLS Summary Statistics
Posted by


James Wexler
wexzilla.com - Scottsdale, AZ


Great news.  I enjoy following various markets and although I dont know your market too well I see that the state overall is seeing varying degrees of change in inventory and absorption rate.  Is there something for which you can attribute the positive trend in your market? 

by the way, Do you have an outside blog that I can add to my Blogroll ?

Thanks and look forward to reading your thoughts on the world of real estate.

Jun 18, 2008 10:29 AM
Steve Shaw
Keller Williams Realty - Mobile, AL
e-PRO, Gulf Region Properties Team


Thanks for the blog note.  Our activity is due to the nre industries coming to the area.  Mobile is predicted to be the highest growth area in the next 5 years according to Moody analysis published in Forbes magazine.

My public blog is MobileRealEstateBlog.com.

Good Luck to you!

Jun 18, 2008 12:30 PM