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How to Make Goals That Stick for 2021

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According to Forbes, about 80% of New Year's resolutions fail every year. That's a staggering number. And it means that we're awful at the follow-through of our goals.

So, perhaps a different approach is needed to create goals that stick for the coming year. Instead of making half-hearted commitments, use these four quick steps to create and achieve bigger things than you could have imagined.


1. Cut Down Year Goals

A year is a REALLY long time to have a goal, and it's easy to tell yourself that you'll do it next month if your deadline is too far out. For example, let's say I want to lose twenty pounds by the end of next year. Well, every month I can tell myself I'll start the following month, until by August I've long forgotten my goal.

So, cut your big yearly goals into quarterly and monthly deadlines. This will force you to begin today, and work towards what you want.


2. Create a Vision Board or Statement

Next, make a vision board or mission statement to go with your goals for the coming year. This will help you clarify your goals, values, and priorities. Plus, you'll be visualizing your future in a new and more detailed way.

And bonus, you'll be giving yourself something inspiring to look at every morning!

Read here for a free vision board template + how to make one!


3. Make One Goal Your Highest Priority

If you have ten beautiful goals, that's awesome! But if you give equal energy to all of them you're likely to stall out and not make progress at all. Just like how multitasking kills our productivity.

So, this time, put one goal at the top of the list. You'll still be able to work on the others, but you'll understand which priorities come first.


4. Develop a Clear Process

Finally, once you have your goal, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I need to learn to reach my goal?
  • What skills do I need to develop to reach this goal?
  • What does my day, week, and month look like in order to reach this goal?

Write the answers in your journal and begin developing a clear plan to get what you want.


In Conclusion

There you have it. Make those big beautiful New Year's resolutions, and then use these simple steps to actually achieve them! 

"Set your goals high, and don't stop til you get there." - Bo Jackson

Lisa Smith
Keller Williams Capital Partners - Worthington, OH
Listings Manager

Focusing on one goal at a time...it just makes sense! 

Dec 03, 2020 11:55 AM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Hello Jennifer Kropf very valuable list of tips for haw to make goals that stick for 2021.

Dec 03, 2020 02:59 PM