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Milpitas, California's Cost of Living

Services for Real Estate Pros with InboundREM

Cost of Living in Milpitas, CA

A person's "cost of living" is the sum of money needed to cover their "basic expenses" in a given location and period. Your living, eating, commuting, medical, and other costs are included here. Living expenses in Milpitas are detailed in this article, which can be used to compare the cost of living there to that in the person's current city.

Overall Cost of Living in Milpitas, CA

The high cost of living in Milpitas, CA (at a whopping $216.7) reflects the city's status as a wealthy enclave in Silicon Valley. According to this index, Milpitas has a cost of living that is significantly higher than the rest of the country.

Housing Costs in Milpitas, CA

The housing costs in Milpitas, California, are the highest in all of California and among the highest in the entire United States. In a city where the median price of a detached house is $1,191,820 in 2021, having a trustworthy real estate agent on your side is crucial if you want to get a good deal. The homeownership rate in this area of Silicon Valley is 64.4%, while the rental rate is around 35.6%. The monthly rent for a standard studio apartment is about $1,242.

Health Care Costs in Milpitas, CA

The average annual cost of health care for an individual in Milpitas, CA is $4,121. To put it in perspective, the state average in California is $3,711, while the national average is $4,266.

Transportation Expenses in Milpitas, CA

It is estimated that 80.80% of Milpitas's working population commutes to jobs outside the city limits. A longer-than-average commute time of 28.2 minutes is the norm in Milpitas, California, compared to the national average of 26.6 minutes. According to the EPI, an average American family spends $10,364 annually on transportation costs like gasoline, public transportation, and vehicle maintenance. If we compare this to the national average of $9,760, we see that this is a higher number.

Other Milpitas Facts You Might Want to Know

What is Milpitas?
Milpitas, California is a progressive city in Santa Clara County's Silicon Valley. The Milpitas Hills and several creeks are just a short drive away, and the city is conveniently located near San Jose and Fremont.

Milpitas Population
82,969 people call Milpitas home as of the most recent estimates from WorldPopulationReview.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main expenses when living in Milpitas?
Housing and transportation costs are the most significant categories, followed by food.

How much will it cost to live in Milpitas, CA?
A comfortable monthly budget in Milpitas, California is estimated to be $1945, with rent making up about half of that amount. Costs would be $723 lower if rent were excluded.

How much are the other costs of living in Milpitas?
The estimated total miscellaneous expenditures are $104.6, which is 4.6% higher than the average national expenditure.

Why is living in Milpitas more expensive?
Milpitas has high housing and transportation costs. The cost of housing alone is over three times the national average. The price of transportation is nearly fifty percent higher than the national average.

What to do about the higher cost of living?
If you're considering moving to Milpitas, California, knowing about the city's high cost of living is important. In addition, before making a final decision, you should determine whether or not your monthly income will be sufficient to maintain your current standard of living after the move.

How does the cost of living in Milpitas compare to other cities in California, other states, and other countries?
Milpitas, California has a very high cost of living compared to the rest of the United States. It's over twice as high as the national average and 66% higher than California's. Since this is the case, it's reasonable to assume that the cost of living in this city is higher than average compared to other countries.

What monthly expenses do you need to budget for if you move to Milpitas?
A monthly cost of $4458, which includes rent, is estimated for a family of four.

How much does a typical home in Milpitas cost?
Milpitas, California has a median house price of $1,273,300.

How much does a typical apartment in Milpitas cost?
On average, a 1-bedroom apartment will run you $1242 per month.

How much do things cost in Milpitas?
Milpitas has a COL index of 216.7, which means that overall costs are roughly double the national average.

I hope you've found this article helpful in determining whether or not a move to Milpitas, California is in your best interests. Contact me if you're looking to buy a home in the area, and I'll do my best to assist you in locating the ideal residence for your needs and budget. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, please contact me at (408) 946-2100 or husain.realty@gmail.com right away.

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10275 N DeAnza Boulevard

Cupertino, California 95014
