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New way to show your listings, LetEdith.info

Services for Real Estate Pros

Here's a different way of getting your listings seen. Use Virtual Open Houses, CraigslistPLUS and the address of the property, for a direct hit on it. Edith is used to put a face on the site and as the tour guide to attract people, especially when using Craigslist.  Using a Virtual Open House and the address of the property to get people to it, will give your clients a sense that you are doing everything possible, to get their home sold. If this sounds like a great way to get your listings seen and a good marketing strategy,  you can see the site by clicking here, http://LetEdith.info The retail price for this service is 29.00 a month, but for Realtors it's 29 for 6 months. Call 386-843-1937 for more info.