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Revinvent vs Reinvest

Services for Real Estate Pros with Bowers Insurance Group

I have been in the mortgage industry for 4 and 1/2 years now, and I have been extremely blessed.  All of my business up to this point has come from referrals.  I have never had to market, outside of just purely talking to people and telling them what I do.  Now that my telephone is not ringing, I am wondering what the problem is.  I was initially thinking that it was because of the "mortgage crisis", but as I began to think more intensely, I realized that the mortgage crisis was not the problem. 

When I initially got into the business I had one motto.....ATM ALWAYS THINK MARKETING... My mindset was to always manage to let people know what I do through the course of a conversation.  I would always ask them if they knew someone who could benefit from my services.. I would make it a point to show up at all kinds of events and look for networking opportunities... I always manage to give people my business card or leave it all kinds of places.I was always visible, and always talking to someone..  SO.. I came to the conclusion that my business is now suffering becuase I became too complacent and have gotten comfortable with the fact that my phone is always gonna ring.. 

I was reading an article the other day that spoke about always reinventing yourself, so I thought about how I would do that.  I thought of buying leads, and doing an aggresive mailing campaign, and doing some cold calling... I concluded that I needed to make an investment into my business.  As the old saying goes, you only get out of something what you put in..  And then this morning, my little "Holy Spirit" voice told me.. I don't need to reinvent myself, I need to get back to the root of my business which is building relationships.  In my ATM days, I talked to everyone I could, they learned to get to know me and trust me and thus wanted to do business with me.  I realized what I needed to invest into my business is ME.  The reason I have been so succesful up to this point is I have built my business on relationships, and relationships breed customer loyalty, which in turn breeds referrals.  I have taken the "ME" out of my business. 

SOOOO.. instead of REINVENTING myself, I'm going to REINVEST myself..In order to move my business forward, I'm going to take a step backward and watch things explode...

I'll update you as the blessings flow...