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Don't Be A Victim Of Loan Fraud

Real Estate Agent

Protect Yourself from Predatory Lenders

Buying or refinancing your home may be one of the most important and complex financial decisions you'll ever make. Many lenders, appraisers, and real estate professionals stand ready to help you get a nice home and a great loan. However, you need to understand the home buying process to be a smart consumer. Every year, misinformed homebuyers, often first-time purchasers or seniors, become victims of predatory lending or loan fraud.

                      If a deal to buy, repair or refinance a house sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Tactics they may use:

  • A lender or investor tells you that they are your only chance of getting a loan or owning a home. You should be able to take your time to shop around and compare prices and houses.
  • The house you are buying costs a lot more than other homes in the neighborhood, but isn't any bigger or better.
  • You are asked to sign a sales contract or loan documents that are blank or that contain information which is not true.
  • The cost or loan terms at closing are not what you agreed to.
  • You are told that refinancing can solve your credit or money problems.
  • You are told that you can only get a good deal on a home improvement if you finance it with a particular lender.

If you suspect of Loan Fraud contact  Housing counselors working at HUD-approved agencies can help you be a smart consumer. To find a counselor near you, call (800) 569-4287 .
