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Homes Are Selling And Pricing Is Key...

Real Estate Agent with Simple Listing Solutions LLC

I've just sold my last three listings here in San Diego in 8 days, 27 days and 17 days respectively. This, in a market where the average selling time can be 45 to 145 days! I've also gone on several list appointments where I chose not to list the home - period. While the homes I chose not to list were lovely and sell-able, I felt the sellers were attached to an unrealistic sales price. Rather than refusing to list the home outright, I requested they consider me as their "second agent".

In other words, when you hire a Realtor who tells you he or she can get you the price you want, I'll wish you the very best of success however, if you find yourself getting frustrated at the 60 or 90 mark, I'd like you to consider revisiting the conversation we had this evening and simply ask yourself if you feel like I had a better understanding of our current market conditions and if you feel like I was honest and knowledgable fromt he outset - as opposed to suggesting I had access to the eternal pool of frothing at the mouth to purchase at any price buyers. If you consider cancelling your contract and re-listing, then I'd love to be the one to serve you. By the way, unlike myself, most agents wont offer you an "Easy Exit Guarantee" that allows you to cancel your agreement at anytime, for any reason therefore, I'd advise you this evening to insist on it with the next Realtor you interview. It's in your best interest! BTW - I've been the "2nd Agent" now four times since employing this dialogue and I learned it from a highly respected and tremendously succesful huge producer from Malibu.

This strategy saves me from spending marketing dollars and valuable time baby sitting a home and appeasing a frustrated seller when all the while I have no confidence the home will sell. It also frees up my energy and $ resources to focus on selling my saleable listings.

If you're a Realtor in the Activerain community with your own success strategy for helping unrealistic sellers climb down off the ledge i'd love to hear your idea's and hope you wont be shy! Happy selling and may 2007 be your best year ever!