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Denver Market by Price Point - Mile High Home Hunter Realty

Real Estate Agent with Snow Coast Real Estate
Market Trend Analysis - Denver Metro Selected Towns/Cities
Based on information from Metrolist, Inc. for period August 7, 2008 to September 9, 2008.
Single Family Residences - All Price Levels
Excludes Housing Not Listed in MetroList
Note: Six (5.5 to 6.5) Months of Inventory Tends to Indicate Neutral Market, Over 6.5 Months a Buyer's Market, Under 5.5 Months a Seller's Market
(How Calculated) A   B C = B/12 D = A/C    E   F = A/E 
Price Range Active % of Market Sold in Past 12 Months Sold Per Month Months of Inventory Current Activity Status  Curr Month Under Contract  Months of Inventory if Current Month Activity Level Continues
 $                  -    $        100,000                   825 4.17%                4,055                   338                    2.4  Seller's Market                    919                              0.9
 $        100,001  $        200,000                3,764 19.03%              11,267                   939                    4.0  Seller's Market                 1,997                              1.9
 $        200,001  $        300,000                4,432 22.41%              10,668                   889                    5.0  Seller's Market                 1,377                              3.2
 $        300,001  $        400,000                3,043 15.38%                5,300                   442                    6.9  Buyer's Market                    683                              4.5
 $        400,001  $        500,000                2,104 10.64%                2,455                   205                  10.3  Buyer's Market                    336                              6.3
 $        500,001  $        600,000                1,284 6.49%                1,294                   108                  11.9  Buyer's Market                    144                              8.9
 $        600,001  $        700,000                   956 4.83%                   707                     59                  16.2  Buyer's Market                      78                            12.3
 $        700,001  $        800,000                   678 3.43%                   423                     35                  19.2  Buyer's Market                      71                              9.5
 $        800,001  $        900,000                   510 2.58%                   310                     26                  19.7  Buyer's Market                      36                            14.2
 $        900,001  $     1,000,000                   443 2.24%                   183                     15                  29.0  Buyer's Market                      24                            18.5
 $     1,000,001  No Upper Boundary                 1,742 8.81%                   632                     53                  33.1  Buyer's Market                      76                            22.9
Total (Seasonally Adjusted)*              19,781 100.00%              37,294                3,108                    6.4  Neutral Market                 5,741                             3.4
Total (NOT Seasonally Adjusted)**              19,050  xx   xx                 3,581                    5.3  Seller's Market                 4,443                             4.3
Note: This representation is based in whole or in part on content supplied by Metrolist, Inc. Metrolist, Inc. does not guarantee nor is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Content maintained by Metrolist, Inc. may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.
* Uses 12-trailing months' average to smooth out the effects of Denver's purchase season (60% Apr - Sep; 40% Oct - Mar).
** Uses raw data to show the impact of current levels of purchases on current levels of supply.  This causes substantial seasonal swings in months of inventory. MetroList cutoff date may likely differ from date of data shown above.
Posted by

Michael Clarkson

Broker / Owner


Snow Coast Real Estate