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Setting up your Virtual Office

Services for Real Estate Pros with Team Double-Click and VirtualAssistingUSA

At Team Double-Click®, our clients often ask just how to go about setting up a virtual office - in other words - how does a small but growing business owner avoid renting bricks-and-mortar office space? And with good reason... even the tiniest of offices "in town" can run several hundred dollars a month!

Add to that the cost of the commute (not cheap these days with the cost of gasoline well over $3.00 per gallon in most places), the furniture and computers to furnish that same office, and a full-time assistant (whom you still have to pay even when you don't have work to keep them busy).

Setting up a virtual office can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but once you embrace the idea and get a feel for the logistics, it's really quite easy. With today's technologies and the use of a virtual staffing agency, such as Team Double-Click®, there really are no boundaries.

And just think - with a virtual office you can spend more time with your family, work from almost anywhere, and your clients never need know you don't have an office downtown, if you prefer them not to know.

We know many small business owners who proudly tout the fact they are 100% virtual - it's a bragging right after all!  How many people do you know who have that kind of flexibility and low overhead? The numbers are growing, but we're still an envied few in the grand scheme of the workplace.

Click HERE to read more about how easy it can be for Team Double-Click® to get you up and running with your very own virtual office!