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Port Angeles Classified Ads

Real Estate Agent with Sequim & Port Angeles Real Estate

Finally, there is a dedicated online classified ad service for everyone in Port Angeles and Sequim, businesses and individuals, and to introduce the service with a new promotion that benefits all businesses and citizens here, the service is being promoted absolutely free until next spring, May 1, 2009.

Port Angeles and Sequim Classified Ads Online

If you're a business, and you want to promote your business online free, just register and type your product or service description (with good persuasive sales script), and you can even include a photo of your business or your staff or your product. Include your address and phone number if you like, or your email address, and guess what? You can include a link to your website, too!

If you have something for sale, find the category and put it online. Again, you can include photos of your puppy or your car or whatever.

If you want something, find the category and tell us what you want. Be specific.

And for volunteer and non-profits, you can use this to promote your service and your needs. Is this not exciting folks? Who is doing this crazy thing? Yours truly as a community service. The domain names are easy to remember. You can use either one:

SequimClassified.com PortAngelesClassified.com