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Home Improvement in Washington DC

Services for Real Estate Pros with R & D Art

I have a very good friend that bought a house not too long ago. In buying the home, he knew that he was going to have to do some improvements to it. Now, I do not know about you, but Washington DC is a very busy place and not a place that you can just jump in the car and run to the local home improvement store and be back in 5 minutes.

We were talking just a week or so ago and I told him that home improvement in Washington DC is best left up to the pros. The last thing that you want to do is spend your entire weekend stuck in a basement remodel that you are going to end up getting half way done with. Couple that with the fact that he now has a 3 year old, a 18 month old and another one on the way and that spells disaster. So, when he told me that he hired Michael and Son services to do the job, I was glad for him. he had found them online @ http://www.michaelandson.com/ and they gave him the best bid for the job.

I was kidding his wife that he would end up on one of the HGTV shows as the person that got in over his head. Personally, I am glad to see them sinking some money into the house to fix up what they have and make it bigger for the entire family. Making home improves that will add value to the property is one of the smartest things that one can do.