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In Maverick We Trust!

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Sometimes we focus too much on learning all the great tips, strategies, and techniques for mastering a skill ... while we ignore the "mechanism" that's responsible for putting them into action.


Trust is a combination of the value that others perceive in you, and their willingness to harmonize with and accept your advice to help them succeed.

Trust is people seeking and taking your advice both as a counselor and a confidant.

Someone who trusts you to a point where they call at some critical stage, because they know you are the one who can help them in a way that others cannot.

But how do you develop trust?

Let's look at the advice of Jeffrey Gitomer.  He is the bestselling author of the Little Books, which have now sold more than two million copies worldwide.

Mr. Gitomer advises that trust is not the product of any secret formula. It's not something where you can lie there and wait for it to happen to you. Gaining, building, and maintaining a high level of trust involves thinking, and requires reading, a clear mind, a focus on becoming a world-class expert, studying, risking, failing, the right attitude, and lacing your bootstraps tighter when times are tough.

But you can do it and when you do, it will lead you to wealth beyond money. It is fulfillment for both for you and the people who trust you.  It is insight for you and the people who trust you trust.  It is impactful for both you and the people who trust you.  It is comfort for both you and the people you trust!

Here are the Truths found in the book with the underlying theme that:

  Trust is the basis for all relationships!

•      Tell the truth. This is the number one element of trust AND relationships.

•      Do what you say you will do. This is a test for being trustworthy and reliable.

•      Communicate in a timely manner. This shows you are responsible, on top of it, and that you care.

•      Bring value beyond your product or service. What you do to help others be more successful is a true reflection of your character.

•       Be on time. Being on time shows you respect the other person's time.

•       Be friendly. Smiling people are the gateway to open communication.

•       Be sincere. This can only come from belief in what you do, loving what you do, and caring for others.

•       Show and say genuine thanks. Be grateful for the opportunity to be of service.

•       Be consistent. I believe this element of trust is the most difficult to master because it combines all the other elements.

•      Give trust. You become trustworthy by giving trust. 

Trust is an underling successful trait that the brightest and best companies and individuals practice each day.

The principles that influence human psychology can be useful in our business dealings, societal interactions, and all relationships.  For sales and marketing professionals, they can be the most valuable motivating factor in the clients decision making process.

I TRUST that you will give this post your full attention!

Maverick Rules!

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