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Aloha Friday

Members: 11

Posts: 454

Founded: 05/23/2009

Aloha Friday What is Aloha Friday about? It's about the end of the work week and no work till Monday. You might also call it, Thank God it's Friday! What ever you call it, this forum is about what the heck are you doing this week-end. As Realtors we mix it up a lot. Week ends can also be filled with work, open houses, showing, blogging our brains out. Then again it might be a little golf, surf, snow skiing and time with the family. So what are you doing this week end. My self, I mix it up with work, family, and play. Maybe your going on an amazing trip we would like to hear about, and share some travel tips. So let us know what your up to and share a little bit of your Aloha Friday.


Steven Nickens

Real Estate Agent