Quail Ridge (Naperville, IL)
By William Piotrowski, Just Call William 630-881-8655
(Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation )
When you Feel Anxious … 1. Relax your breathing. Take deliberate slow, deep breaths, and feel the tension begin to subside. 2. Clear your mind of disturbing thoughts. Remind yourself of all your strengths, of those occasions when you’ve coped in the past, and of things you still have to look forward to. ... 3. Shut off the critical parent in your head. We all have weaknesses and make mistakes. Don’t abandon, attack, or reject yourself. You need to support, and to nurture, yourself. 4. Practice self-care. Temporarily step back from the stressful situation. Maybe listen to some music, or message a friend, or play with your pet, or go for a walk. 5. Respond – don’t react. You don’t have to do anything right now. Take a moment to take control of your feelings and your thoughts. Then assess...
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By William Piotrowski, Just Call William 630-881-8655
(Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation )
 Happiness Tips1. Experiment to see what makes you happy.2. Hang out with people who are happy and upbeat – as other people affect the way we feel.3. Make a list of your blessings – don’t focus on “what’s wrong”.4. Cultivate an attitude of thankfulness. Add to your list several times a day.5. Focus on solutions instead of on your problems.6. Make time to connect with the people you love.7. Accept the way that you and others are. Growth and change don’t happen instantly.8. Take time to enjoy the moment. Savour what you can from the small things in life – a sunrise, a rainbow, or a giggling child.9. Remind yourself often that “this, too, will pass”. Hard times and trials are only temporary.10. Follow your passions –as they reflect who you are – and are a natural source of fulfillment and ...
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Naperville, IL Real Estate Professionals