Education & Training - Three Kids, Three Cats, and a Husband
1. Go when it's less crowdedI know -- brilliant of me, right? It's a good thing you're reading this article, because you never could have come up with that suggestion on your own!However, you'd be surprised how some people don't give this much thought. Or, at least, not enough thought.Recently so...
 Disney's Animal Kingdom is probably our family's second favorite park, after the Magic Kingdom. We like the fact that it had shade and feels a little more relaxed, and definitely more "natural" than the other parks. As my husband Rob says, "It feels the least like a theme park." Another thing we...
Let's face it: Disney World is expensive, and it isn't getting any cheaper. In fact, it seems like every few months I see some sort of news about how the ticket prices are about to increase, or that the Free Disney Dining promo has gotten a little more stingy in what it offers, etc. However, ther...
Epcot (originally EPCOT) was opened in Disney World in October of 1982. Basically two parks in one, it consists of Future World (which has more rides) and the World Showcase (which contains 11 pavilions which feature the food and shops of different countries). Epcot is a total of 300 acres (rough...
I kind of can't believe it myself,  but next month we'll have lived in our home for twenty-two years. Twenty-two years! It's the only home we've ever owned as adults, and the only home that our three children have even known. Our home was built in 1974, which is not old old, but old enough. In th...

Jen Blaske

Disney World blogger and musician
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