stager: 4 Quick Tips for Prepping a Home for Sale
- 02/10/12 09:08 AM
Checklist: 4 Quick Tips for Prepping a Home for Sale Real estate pro and stager Barb Schwarz, founder of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, recommends some of the following general staging tips in prepping homes for sale. 1. Super clean. Make the house shine from top to bottom. Don’t forget about cleaning the carpet, draperies, and windows, too. 2. Clear the clutter and unload some furniture. Remove unnecessary items from countertops, bathtubs, and shower stalls—areas that often attract the most clutter. Keep only the necessities. A de-cluttered home helps buyers mentally “move in” with their own things. You may need to (4 comments)
In 2012 Staging is no longer optional, according to real estate guru, Barbara Corcoran. Here's what real estate agents say about staging -Out vs In.
Brenda Hughes
Home Staging & Re-Design Specialist, Southern IN, Northern KY I am your Home Staging & Re-Design Professional for the Tri-State area. I was born & raised in Vanderburgh County so I have the pride of community.You are more than a client, you may be my neighbor. Contact me to set up your consultation and let me help you get your home ready to sell or redesign a room or rooms you (2 comments)
Why are Home Sellers & Agents Taking the Risk? In this market they both stand to loose money and time.... Hire a professional stager and make sure there is nothing you missed that needs to be changed to better optimize the selling potential of the house! Never a second Chance for a First Impression! A potential buyer has made up their mind in approximately 10 seconds after they step in the front door. You can never make a 1st impression a 2nd time! Why are sellers and agents alike taking a chance on the clients they are loosing by not (2 comments)