mortgage: Homeowners - $50,000 to $150,000 in Savings in Mortgage Interest!!! FREE SERVICE - NO COSTS! - 08/24/07 04:28 PM
By changing from a monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly Mortgage that we provide to the homeowner absolutely no costs. All Bi-weekly mortgage services use electronic transfers to make the Bi-weekly mortgage debits from the homeowner's account. Homeowners do not change lenders because we do not "buy" their mortgage or take it over. We simply service their existing loan with the existing lender so they can receive the benefits without incurring any refinance charge or other cost. We do not send any statements to the homeowners, however, they will continue to receive all information their current lender normally sends them, monthly statements, coupon … (0 comments)

mortgage: FREE SERVICE TO HOMROWNERS!!! Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Home Mortagage!! No Costs!!! - 08/23/07 03:37 PM
I am an authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners absolutely FREEand the benefits to the homeowner are amazing! The Mortgage Manager(TM) is a Mortgage payment service. We use electronic fund transfers to debit the homeowner's bank account every two weeks. Bi-weekly transfers mean that funds are transferred every two weeks not twice per month. There is a difference. A common objection of homeowners who have been offered Bi-weekly mortgage service by competitors charging hundreds of dollars, is they do not think they should waste this money by letting someone else do the what they can do themselves. … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weeklymortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 08/22/07 03:26 PM
Just how can we offer Mortgage Manager (TM) Saving Program to the homeowner for FREE. We, of course, do make a profit even though we offer the services at no cost. Sometimes you will have people think there are strings attached - until they learn about the service and how our revenues are generated. Due to the volume of homeowners we service, and as a result, the volume of money we manage in Bi-weekly mortgage payments amounts to millions and millions of dollars on a daily basis. The Bank(s) we use to transfer the funds from the homeowner, then on to … (1 comments)

mortgage: HOMEOWNERS Learn the ugly facts about your home mortgage and how a FREE service can save you thousands of dollars! - 08/21/07 03:19 PM
When a homeowner changes to a Bi-weekly mortgage payment service we use electronic bank transfers. The Bi-weekly mortgage drbits from the homeowner's account. This is simply to provide convenience to the homeowner. Again, they are not going to from a habit of sending a check every two weeks so this makes it automatic for them. However, when we forward funds to the lender, they are forwarded in the from of a check. This is because electronic transfers do not allow the ability to transfer documentation with the funds. All this documentation is kept in our computers, meaning if funds were electronically transferred to the lender they … (0 comments)

mortgage: Homeowners - $50,000 to $150,000 in Savings in Mortgage Interest!!! FREE SERVICE - NO COSTS! - 08/20/07 03:41 PM
The Mortgage Manager(TM) is a Bi-weekly mortgage service that is FREE to the homeowner. In the comparison between a regular monthly mortgage WITHOUT the FREE service and the Bi-weekly payments WITH the service. You will find 2 saving figures, Interest savings and Total savings. The reason for this is because there are some arguments throughout the industry as to which of these is the "actual" savings. Interest savings is the net amount of interest the homeowner would have paid to their lender by not using the FREEBi-weekly service. Some people say this is the only savings you can realize.  Total savings … (0 comments)

mortgage: FREE SERVICE TO HOMROWNERS!!! Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Home Mortagage!! No Costs!!! - 08/19/07 02:34 PM
A FREE service to homeowners by coveting there Monthly Mortgage to a Bi-weekly Mortgage. When a homeowner changes to a Bi-weekly budget, it allows them to accumulate the equivalence of a 13th payment over the course of a entire year by giving them the ability to make 26 Bi-weekly payments. Funds are forwarded to the lender once per month because that is the only way they will accept and post them. Periodically the lender will receive the equivalent of 3 Bi-weekly payments  to post in a single month, which allows one Bi-weekly payment to be applied to the principal balance of the loan. Funds are … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weeklymortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 08/18/07 02:24 PM
The Mortgage Manager(TM) is a mortgage payment service. We use electronic fund transfers to debit the homeowner's bank account every two weeks. Bi-weekly transfers mean that funds are transferred every two weeks not twice per month. There is a difference. A common objection of homeowners who have been offered Bi-weekly mortgage service by competitors charging hundreds of dollars, is they do not think they should waste this money by letting someone else do what they can do themselves. The bottom line is most homeowners never from this habit and they wind up losing thousands and thousands of dollars in unnecessary interest … (0 comments)

mortgage: $$$ HOMEOWNERS $$$ Learn the ugly facts about your home mortgage and how a FREE service can save you Thousands of Dollars!! - 08/17/07 03:26 PM
The Mortgage Manager Savings Program competes with over 600 banks and other private companies who offer biweekly mortgage service. They ALL charge a fee ranging from $395.00 to $1,000.00. We could easily do the same, but homeowners who are just getting by (and who need this service the most) have a hard time paying a few hundreds dollars even when it's going to save them thousands of dollars. When we developed Mortgage Manager Saving Program, we searched for a way to eliminate this cost and provide the service FREE to the homeowner. Volume is how we are able to still generate … (0 comments)

mortgage: FREE SERVICE TO HOMEOWNERS Save Thousands of dollars On Your Home Morgage using a FREE Service - NO COSTS!! - 08/16/07 03:10 PM
By coverting from a monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and the service is FREE - nothing for the homeowner to purchase. How is my mortgage payment protected with your FREEservice? We all work hard for our money and we want assurance that it's fully protected. We hear in the news everyday stories of "fly-by-night" companies, embezzlement of huge amounts of money, etc.with our bi-weekly mortgage service, your funds are fully protected, insured, and are at absolutely no risk whatsoever.
All bi-weekly mortgage service is done electronically and governed by Regulation "E" of the Federal Reserve System. Regulation "E" is a consumer protection law which regulates … (0 comments)

mortgage: HOMEOWNERS - SAVE $50,000 & More With A FREE SERVICE!!!!! - 08/15/07 03:42 PM
The Mortgage Manager (TM) will analyze your home mortgage and provide you with a FREE service that will allow you to--
*Save Thousandsa of Dollars without refinancing!!
*Cut years off your Mortgage without incressing your payment!!
*Build equity in your home 300% faster!!
*Audit your loan Automatically to find lender mistakes which occur about 50% of the time according to the F.D.I.C.!! 
What really helps to establish the Mortgage Manager (TM) as a leader in the industry can be directly attributed to the refinance policies of many Lenders and Mortgage companies, as well as the high start up fees that other companies charge for … (1 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 08/13/07 04:27 PM
The Mortgage Manager Saving Program completes with over 600 banks and other private companies who offer bi-weekly mortgage service. They ALL charge a fee ranging from $395.00 to to over $1,000.00. We could easily do the same , but homeowners who are just getting by (and who needs this service the most) have a hard time paying a few hundred dollars even when it's going to save them thousands of dollars.
When we developed the Mortgage Manager Saving Program, we searched for a way to eliminate the cost and provide the service for FREE to the homeowner. Volume is how we are able to … (0 comments)

mortgage: $$$ HOMEOWNERS $$$ Learn the ugly facts about your home mortgage and how a FREE service can save you Thousands of Dollars!! - 08/12/07 04:19 PM
The ugly facts about your mortgage. In fact, the FDIC estimated that about 47% of all mortgages contain mistakes costing homeowners $12 to $14 billion dollars each year in overcharges. That's a lot of money and there is no way to discover these errors except to do an audit on the mortgage. This is one of many benefit an homeowner receives by converting to a Bi-weekly mortgage service. Other benefit's included, save thousands of dollars without refinancing, cut years off your mortgage without increasing your payment, build equity in your home 300% faster. Plus the ugly facts your lender don't want you to … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 08/10/07 03:23 PM
I am authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners FREE, and the services is FREE also. Mortgage Manager(TM) is an Bi-weekly mortgage service that can save the homeowner thousands of dollars. Bi-weekly mortgage services use electronic transfers to make the Bi-weekly mortgage debits from the homeowners account. All electronic transfers are governed and regulated by the United States Federal Reserve, specifically explained under Regulation E. Even through electronic transfers are becoming more common nowadays with electronic payroll, bill paying, insurance premiums, etc., sometimes you will find people concerned about a company electronically debiting their account. We usually instruct them to … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 08/07/07 03:57 PM
I am an authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners absolutely FREE. What really helps to establish the Mortgage Manager (TM) as a leader in the industry can be directly attributed to the refinance policies of many Lenders and Mortgage companies, as well as the high start up fees that other companies charge for this exact same service. We have virtually eliminated all competition by offering this service absolutely FREEto homeowners. All Bi-weekly mortgage services are the same no matter who provides it, however, the Mortgage Manager (TM) is the only Bi-weekly mortgage service that is provided to … (0 comments)

mortgage: FREE SERVICE TO HOMROWNERS!!! Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Home Mortagage!! No Costs!!! - 08/05/07 04:31 PM
I am an authorized distributor for for some very special software that is given to homeowners absolutely FREE. This software provides the homeowner with a FREE service that allows them to...... *Save thousands of Dollars without refinancing. *Cut years of their mortgage without increasing their payments. *Build equity in their Home 300% faster. *Turn their current mortgage into an investment program. *Audit their loan automatically to find lender mistakes which occur about 50% of the time according to the FDIC. The Mortgage Manager (TM) is a mortgage payment service. The homeowner changes from a monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage that allows them … (0 comments)

mortgage: Homeowners - Save $$$$$$'s by converting your monthly mortgage to a bi-weekly mortgage using a FREE service - NO costs!!! - 08/04/07 03:13 PM
I am an authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners FREE. All Bi-weekly mortgage service use electronic transfers to make the Bi-weekly mortgage debits from the homeowners account. This is simply to provide convenience to the homeowner. Again , they are not going to form a habit of sending a check every two weeks so this makes it automatic for them. However, when we forward funds to the lender, they are forwarded in the form of a check. This is because electronic transfers do not allow the ability to transfer documentation with the funds. All documentation … (0 comments)

mortgage: HOMEOWNERS Learn the ugly facts about your home mortgage and how a FREE service can save you thousands of dollars! - 08/01/07 03:53 PM
I am an authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners absolutely FREE, And the benefits to the homeowners are amazing! This software provides the homeowner with a Freeservice. The Mortgage Manager(TM) is a mortgage payment service. We use electronic fund transfers to debit the homeowner's bank account every to weeks. Bi-weekly transfers mean that funds are transferred every two weeks not twice per month. There is a difference. Then a homeowner changes to a Bi-weekly budget, it allows them to accumulate the equivalence of a 13th payment over the course of an entire year by giving them … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 07/28/07 11:45 AM
I am an authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to the homeowners absolutely FREE. Their is no cost to the homeowners, and the benefits to homeowners are amazing!!. This software provides the homeowners with a FREE service that allows them to...
*Save Thousands of dollars without refinancing!
*Cut years off their Mortgage without increasing their payments!
*Build equity in their home 300% faster!
*Turn their current mortgage into an investment program!
*Audit their loan automatically to find lender mistakes which occur about 50% of the time according to the FDIC!
And it's FREE - nothing for the homeowners to purchase. The software, … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners! Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-weekly mortgage and save THOUSANDS!!! - 07/26/07 03:37 PM
I am a authorized distributor for some very special software that is given to homeowners absolutely FREE. This software provides the homeowner with a FREE service, Mortgage Manager Saving Program. Who is Mortgage Manager Saving Program, and what kind of people will be managing your mortgage. Information Brokerage Services Inc. and its predecessors have be in business providing bi-weekly mortgage service since 1989. In 1995, we developed the Mortgage Manager software program making it possible to provide the bi-weekly service at no cost to the homeowner. We are listed with Dun & Bradstreet and our D&B number is 79-922-3433.
The Executive Vice President of the Mortgage Management division … (0 comments)

mortgage: Attention Homeowners Convert your monthly mortgage to a Bi-Weekly Mortgage and save Thousands! - 07/25/07 05:07 PM
The mortgage Manager Savings program competes with over 600 banks and other private companies who offer bi-weekly mortgage service. They ALL charge a fee from $395.00 to over $1,000.00. We could easily do the same, but homeowners who are getting by (and who need this service the most) have a hard time paying a few hundred dollars even when it's going to save them thousands of dollars. We charge the homeowners not one penny, the service is FREE. When we developed the Mortgage Manager Savings Program, we searched for a way to eliminate this cost and provide the service FREEto the homeowner. Volume is … (0 comments)


Douglas Cannon

Silver Springs, FL

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Address: 6821 Plymouth Rd. Suite 16, Stockton, CA, 95207

Office: (209) 242-1568

Mobile: (209) 242-1568



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