ActiveBrad's Blog

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Education & Training - Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Non-Licensed
ActiveBrad'z Blog - The stuff you won't find anywhere else on the Internet! ActiveRain, Zillow, Social Media, Marketing, Technology, Training, Support, Coaching, Consulting, Business Strategies, and Mobile. Your Internetarian and Web Concierge.



It's been over a year since we launched Agent Ratings and Reviews.  Today we are leading the way with more than 100,000 reviews of local real estate agents submitted by our users.  At launch, there were a few skeptics that felt that this could hurt an agent's business just as much as it could hel...
There is so much concern and “Buzz” about Google shutting down, I decided to provide you with some alternative tools for editing and customizing your graphics, photos, and images.   While will be shutting down in April 2012, here are some other options you have available imm...
Back in the day, a few of us discovered a really cool tool from Google known as "The Wonder Wheel" which helped members with keyword selection for their SEO friendly blog posts.  Now that the Wonder Wheel is gone, I get literally hundreds of requests from members looking for good alternatives to ...
Spencer Rascoff, our CEO at Zillow, just posted this great article about the "Importance of Strategic Distribution" which discusses the hot topic of listing syndication.  I'm excited to see the conversations and engagement that develop around this subject as it's one that I too am very passionate...

Brad Andersohn

ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
smartphone707 646-1876
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ActiveBrad is "The Internetarian and Web Concierge." Helping Industry Professionals with technology, blogging, social media, mobile and more. Brad spends the majority of his time helping agents, brokers and other real estate professionals experience greater success.