housing market: Statistics Show How to Make a Lasting First Impression! - 04/27/11 07:14 AM

housing market: Market Update For the week of March 21, 2011 - 03/21/11 06:33 AM

housing market: For the week of January 17, 2011 - 01/19/11 09:20 AM

housing market: More about money - some interesting info... - 01/11/11 06:23 AM

housing market: Market Update For the week of January 10, 2011 - 01/11/11 06:17 AM

housing market: Write a blog they'll come back to - 01/05/11 07:08 AM
Write a blog they'll come back to.
Last month we talked about what you can do online to drive traffic to your website. One suggestion was to start blogging. This works well if you can get prospects and clients to keep checking in on what you have to say. So how do you write a blog your audience will want to come back to? Here are some tips for writing those postings:Remember, a posting is not about selling you. Even though you're writing a blog to help your business, don't think of it that way. Shift your headset from marketing yourself … (3 comments)

housing market: Market Update for the weed of January 3, 2011 - 01/05/11 07:06 AM

housing market: Market Update - 09/07/10 05:19 AM

housing market: Market Update - 08/30/10 06:53 AM

housing market: >> Market Update - 06/02/10 05:54 AM
>> Market Update 
INFO THAT HITS US WHERE WE LIVE  For the third month in a row, Existing Home Sales beat expectations, UP 7.6% for April and UP 22.8% over a year ago. A lot of the gain was put to the tax credit expiration that required a signed contract by April 30. But buyers have till June 30 to close, so observers feel sales will probably increase for the next couple of months, then take a short break before rising again. Inventories were up from 8.1 to 8.4 months, but this is similar to April gains in prior years, rather than evidence … (1 comments)

April Diehl, Local Expertise National Strength (Caliber Home Loans)

April Diehl

Local Expertise National Strength

Fernley, NV

More about me…

Caliber Home Loans

Address: 5390 Kietzke Lane Ste 100, Reno, NV, 89511

Office: (775) 473-6186

Mobile: (775) 830-4398



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