mortgage: Write a blog they'll come back to
- 01/05/11 07:08 AM
Write a blog they'll come back to. Last month we talked about what you can do online to drive traffic to your website. One suggestion was to start blogging. This works well if you can get prospects and clients to keep checking in on what you have to say. So how do you write a blog your audience will want to come back to? Here are some tips for writing those postings:Remember, a posting is not about selling you. Even though you're writing a blog to help your business, don't think of it that way. Shift your headset from marketing yourself (3 comments)
mortgage: Make yourself newsworthy and get more media coverage!
- 08/03/10 11:51 AM
Make yourself newsworthy and get more media coverage! Publicity can heighten awareness and "buzz" about you, giving your business a real boost. Media coverage gives you the kind of credibility you just can't get from ads and brochures. So how can you get the media interested in you? Before you contact a reporter or write up a press release, make sure the info you're sharing really is newsworthy! That's the secret to getting the media to pay attention to you. Let's start with that press release.If your press release is an announcement, ask yourself why people should care about what you (0 comments)