bad real estate agent: Part-Time Real Estate Agents - A career or just a hobby???? - 08/19/10 05:44 AM
Real estate is a hard career to transition to if you don't have enough savings to last you through the initial dry spell.  To ease the transition, some agents like to start out in real estate as a part-time agent.  Is this part-time devotion really fair to your clients and should you really expect a full commission for part-time devotion to your client? 
I think the following article raises some interesting points about part-time agents and how they do a disservice to our industry and their clients.
Original Article:
What are your opinions about full-time -vs- part-time agents?  … (14 comments)

bad real estate agent: The Worst Real Estate Agency I've Ever Heard About - - 05/10/10 09:37 AM

It's always been my stand that if you can't change what you don't like about our industry then at least try to avoid it and expose others to it so they can too.  That's why the Really Rotten Realty agency was created.  They are exposing the absurd and shady practices of our industry by making an example of it in what I think is a very memorable way.. humor.
The site, at first impression looks like it is highly critical of all real estate agents and the industry as a whole until you read closer to get the real … (1 comments)

bad real estate agent: Top 10 Signs That You Hired a Bad Real Estate Agent - 10/01/09 07:05 AM
Not every real estate agent is worth having.  How can you tell a good agent from a bad real estate agent?  Here are the top 10 signs that you might have hired a bad real estate agent…
10.  Agent looks 20 years older than the picture on her business card.
9.  Thinks “social media” means taking your notebook to Starbucks.
8.  Slides on her listing presentation still show “insert agent name here.”
>>>> Continue Reading - The Top 10 Signs You Hired a Bad Real Estate Agent >>>


bad real estate agent: Is Your Real Estate Agent Doing Everything Possible To Sell Your House? - 08/27/09 05:58 PM
Imagine this scenario.  It’s been 120 days since your agent put a for sale sign in your yard.  On the day you hired your Realtor, she promised it would be a successful working relationship.   Weeks later, this “relationship” somehow turned into a “one-night stand.”   She doesn’t return your phone calls, she never drops by and now there’s a bird’s nest occupying the empty Info Box that use to hold your house’s brochures so many months ago.
In this situation, do you think your real estate agent is doing everything possible to sell your house?  Of course not.  This agent … (2 comments)

Bill Petrey (AgentHarvest - A Real Estate Agent Finder Service)

Bill Petrey

Dallas, TX

More about me…

AgentHarvest - A Real Estate Agent Finder Service

Address: Dallas, Texas, 75287

Office: (214) 693-6683

AgentHarvest is a free real estate agent finder service and this blog is an extension of The AgentHarvest Blog, This blog is an information source dedicated to helping you find the best Realtors in your area.



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