mike mccann world renowned humorist: Freeze-Megeddon!! Brrr...It Is Just A Tad Colder Than I Like!
- 01/21/25 09:13 AM
BRRRR. And I Mean That! BRRRR! It might just be me...but it seems to be the coldest January we have had in a while...even with the sun shining bright!! I do not know what the temperature is where you are...But it was -10 degrees where I am this morning in Sunny central Nebraska and since the Sun came up about 3 hours ago it has risen to a Balmy +6 degrees with a windchill factor of -3!! Was talking to another Mike from the Homestretch furniture factory in Nettleton, MS this morning and he said it was about 8 degrees there. It seems to (12 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: This Is My Last Blog On AR....................For The Fall of 2024!
- 12/20/24 08:17 AM
You read that right...I am DONE!! After I hit the "Publish" Button above...No More Blogs Until some time this Winter. Of course, Winter starts at roughly 3:21 am on the 21st...so in about 17 or so hours. It has been a rough fall as I fell off the daily blogging routine of the summer. After going over 100 days in a row with blogs, I had a total of 9 blogs between Sept 21 and today. So this is only my 10th blog this fall. A few of you sent me private messages asking if I was ok and the short answer was yes...but my mind (17 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Oh No...Where Did Mike Go? Where ohh Where Are You Right Now?
- 08/29/24 01:37 PM
I know...I know...After 100 days in a row blogging on AR...my blogging thoughts dried up! Kind of like that last brownie that was left uncovered on your kitchen counter for too many days...(but you ate it anyway didn't you!!) Or that beautiful plant that did not make it .... because of lack of water. (You have done this at least once...admit it!) Or maybe those grapes you forgot about in the crisper and when you pulled them out they looked like raisins. (You ate one...I know you did!) And here you are reading this blog wondering where the heck have I been and what (13 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Buying A Mattress - Need to Go Sell Another Farm to Afford one!!
- 08/08/24 02:03 PM
Hi All, HELP! Looking for guidance here. We need a new mattress. The current one we have is about 12 years old and for about 12 years I have hated sleeping in our main bed. In fact...at least 3 or 4 nights I go downstairs and sleep on our 37 year old mattress that still feels great and does not have all the fluff and foam newer ones have. We have needed a new mattress since about 3 weeks after buying the last expensive pile of #+%$*&! I have been researching mattresses this week and have concluded roughly 25 manufacturers make the "Best" mattress in the (10 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Speed! Is AR Having Some Issues Recently? Or Is It My Provider?
- 07/31/24 11:49 AM
I do not want to be presumptive and throw any one under the bus... But my access to AR reminds me of the early 90's when it took forever to load a page on the internet. My question: Is it AR issues or is it my provider with issues? My 2nd question: Why would anyone throw someone under the bus? When we were on vacation...some sites would load reasonably fast and some took forever. We were on a guest network then and I attributed it to the provider for the cabin complex we were staying at. Plus I was on my laptop. Since we have been (9 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Have A Great Saturday! Get Out and Enjoy the Day!
- 07/20/24 07:09 AM
Above Photo is the Railroad Bridge on the Middle Loup River south of St Paul NE. Not a great photo taken backwards at 65 mph...looking west as the channel of water cannot be seen along the far north bank. The photo at the bottom of the blog is the other side of this same bridge so you can see how the river moves around. ............................................................................ Easy for me to say and yet so hard to do...Get Out and Enjoy the Day! We will be headed to the Family reunion on my wife's side in about 3 hours. The weather today is a bit unpredictable (12 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Strawberry Moon + Summer Solstice - Going to Be A Fantastic Weekend!
- 06/21/24 08:23 AM
Above photo of our mama Robin feeding her two young ones on Wednesday evening! Good Morning All! Day 21 of 30 Blogs for the month of June is here. Nothing earth shattering but it is FRIDAY!! And the first FULL day of Summer...and of course at 9:08 pm Eastern time this evening it is the Full Strawberry Moon! That moon was beautiful last evening as it came over the neighborhood in the S/E sky! I tried to take a photo with the phone while out for an evening walk, but did not have much success. But here is the photo anyway... As for other happenings...the (9 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Daily Blog #4 on June 4...Means Only 26 Daily Blogs More!
- 06/04/24 06:23 AM
Good Tuesday Morning...I hope it isn't gloomy where you are! So I was patting myself on the back a couple days ago about how much I have been blogging recently...and one of my longtime supporters.... Kathy Streib pulled into the comment section and pulled back her bow and shot me this message which said... and I quote: "Hi Mike- I remember well the 30 in 30 challenges. And I remember after the last one, I made a personal challenge to post one post every day...and knock wood, so far, I've done it. (even posted during hurricane Irma) Why do I? Besides enjoying the (6 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Goal For June - 30 Blog Posts - Can He Do It? Stay Tuned!
- 06/01/24 08:19 AM
Some years ago there was an AR Challenge to post a blog each day for a month. I remember starting out strong and then life and work got in the way. I think I missed it by 2 or 3 blogs. SO I decided this morning that I am going to have my own mini-contest...with myself... 30 Blogs for the month of June. Some of you will laugh at that number as you do that many every week or two...and many of you are like me...you have never done 30 blogs in a month. What the heck do you write about 30 times in 30 (14 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: I Prayed to the Rain Gods - And They Over-Delivered!
- 05/31/24 07:13 AM
Good Morning to You! I hope you are as dry as you want to be today! 36 Days ago I posted a Blog about needing it to Rain in central Nebraska. You can read it here if you want: https://activerain.com/droplet/J4Kq I posted that an inch of rain would make the pastures emerald green. It worked...as it started raining later that day. And kept raining and raining. Then on May 3rd, I posted a Blog about needing the rain to lighten up and give us a break so we could get planting done: https://activerain.com/droplet/J5jP The first worked...the 2nd one gave us a short window (5 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Three Thursday Thoughts for the Thirtieth Day of May!
- 05/30/24 08:19 AM
Happy Thursday to all of you! Three Thursday Thoughts of others you may or may not have seen recently here on AR...a location stock full of people smarter than I am!! The first one comes from somewhere on a lake in Utah with Wanda Kubat-Nerdin: "It's been said that...Good things come to those who wait. Instead, I say...Rainbows come to those who bait!" Nothing fishy about her comment...she is just out chasing Rainbows!! ................................................................. Next Up is Kathy Streib and her great blog earlier today. She reminds us to: "BE SAFE AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK ON YOUR SENIOR NEIGHBORS!" Fantastic advice...our neighbor has had both (9 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: E-Mail...A Love/Hate Relationship! And About The Same With Texting!
- 05/21/24 12:59 PM
I need both for work...I use both to conduct business both professionally and for personal communication. I dislike using them but I love the results. Is it worth the hassles? Aside from the scams and junk...Usually...But for someone who used to type 40+ words a minute...now 20 of them are probably spelled incorrectly...it can be a time eating chore sometimes. I know how to spell 99% of the words I use...it is getting the fingers...keyboard...and everything else in sync. For instance: while typing the previous sentence...I spelled how as hoe (w & e are next to each other)... the word keyboard came out (15 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: The Rains on the Plains Remains - Causing Strains on our Drains!
- 05/03/24 11:39 AM
Yep....Just like I drew it up! I love it when a plan comes together! Ohh...I know what you may be thinking....Mike stole that from the A-Team guy!!! And the internet...the all mighty great Swambezi Internet...master of all quotes...and never wrong...ever... even when it works with lightening speed: About 1,010,000,000 results (0.42 seconds) says "a billion results might change it...but we think Hannibal Smith was the first". Personally I think that is most likely Bull Smit....but this is a story about the Rains on the Plains...so let's get on with it! On April 25th I Did the Rain Dance Blog because we were very, very (5 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Creative Writing Juices Need Replenished or Am I At A Loss For Words?
- 03/27/24 12:07 PM
Do not let my wife see this blog. (She rarely reads them anyway.) I have hit a bump in the road on blogging again. Sorry Kathy Streib I know you want to hear from me...but really there is Nothing exciting going on except the regular ups and downs of business as usual for real estate...and we all are healthy as I write this. I am scratching my head on what to write or talk about. My wife would be shocked... so it is best to leave her in the dark on this one. This photo was supposed to show me scratching my head (8 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: BOOM! It is Tax Season! Are Your Client Closing Costs Deductible?
- 01/10/24 11:03 AM
Just received a request for a W-9 from a client whom we Sold a Grocery Store for in 2023. He did not own the building so we simply Sold the business. Thus the need for a W-9. Got the W-9 sent off to both him and my agent and decided...Welp...here is another Blog that should be written! MY QUESTION: DO YOU send a reminder to your clients to remember to check if any of their closing costs are deductible? I simply email, mail, text, drop a social media message, talk face to face, or on the phone to remind them to check and make (6 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: AI vs Al - Can You Tell the Difference? An Al Disquisition-Look It Up!
- 01/03/24 07:46 AM
Good Day All...Even to You AI programs that may be perusing this Blog. I am making a feeble rejoinder to the request of Carol Williams and Margaret Rome to participate in the Jan 2024 AR Blog Challenge: https://activerain.com/blogsview/5823245/january-2024-challenge--ai---love-it-or-hate-it I have my trusty cup of coffee by my side and am ready to let these fingers blaze across the keyboard writing this dissertation!! Side note #1: Look up the synonyms for the word "blog". I am surprised to witness that the choices of a synonym for this memoir are few and quite frankly...pathetic. So the assignment for this Blog is to share our thoughts on AI and (29 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Coffee Shop Cogitations! What is the Real Meaning of Pondering?
- 11/30/23 07:00 AM
Rapt Friday to All! I hope all of you that are perusing this have had a transpicuous & lucid week! A few things I have mused multiple times in writing in earlier posts is my love for a certain coffee shop in Kearney, NE...Kitt's Coffee, and as I have ruminated in a very recent post about growing older and having a ton of Dr visits to make sure I can keep working on my prodigious Bucket list...and since I have taken all of you who read my blogs along for this lengthy ride...and since I purchased the bottomless cup of demitasse...thus we are now at (9 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Be Careful What You Are Looking For...Might Find a Can of Worms!!
- 11/27/23 07:08 AM
Earlier this year I joined the "Why aren't you retired club?" I mean it is a fair question and I am getting closer to the "Fall Season" of life! Yep...tacked another decade on the resume'. So now everyone asks me when am I going to retire. My pat answer is: "6 to 8 weeks after they plant my sorry butt in the ground!" (I figure that is about how long the last property that is in escrow will take to close). I hadn't really thought much about retirement as I am about 10 years older than my wife and what the heck would (6 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Embracing Life Lessons in An August Blog For the Record Book
- 08/31/23 12:13 PM
This is a shoutout to Anna Kruchten and Carol Williams. My entry into the August 2023 Challenge has arrived! First the personal part of the contest: Personal Lessons. I thought long and hard on this one and almost did not write the post because of the requirement to share about childhood and beyond. I am going to be polite and just say that... as was common in the 50's and 60's...there were a lot of mouths to feed from a big family. So I will not dwell on the fact that I am close with only 1 of 6 siblings. Between siblings...Dad's work...and both Mom and Dad's (18 comments)
mike mccann world renowned humorist: Advertising...What Really Works?...Asking for a Friend!! :>)
- 08/16/23 09:25 AM
Advertising...Are You PRO Advertising or CON Advertising? I sometimes think the thousands upon thousands of dollars are a waste of time and then the next day I think it is all worth it! You would think after 32 years in this business I would have it figured out...but NOOOOO! I do not. I just called to cancel an advertising contract that costs me about $4,500/year as I do not see any results from it. It is on a national land site and just seems like I am wasting that money. I usually advertise for 2 years on these type of contracts. Of course the (13 comments)
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Auctioneer, 1031 Tax Exchange, Listing Agent, Notary, Buyer Agent, Private Treaty. Investors for Tenants. Phone, text, e-mail, & handshake.
Managing Broker and owner of Mach1 Realty.