real estate marketing company: How Paresh Found the Ideal Real Estate Marketing Service - 01/27/22 10:30 AM
Imagine three years ago, an agent — let’s call him Paresh — wanted to generate more real estate leads and referrals. He knew he needed better tactics and, overall, a more effective real estate marketing system to reach his ambitious goals. So, he went looking for a real estate marketing company that could help.
Fast forward to today and Paresh has significantly increased the number of real estate leads he’s getting from geo farming. He has also doubled his client referrals.
He credits his success in large part to the real estate marketing service he selected.
So, how did he make that choice?
Let’s look … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: Why You Should Focus your Real Estate Marketing on “Inner Circles” - 01/13/22 01:15 PM
If you’re like most agents, you can probably define your professional network as a series of concentric circles — starting with a small inner circle and growing outwards to a larger outer circle.
The inner circle are your clients (past and present) and your current hot prospects. You know them well, and they know you.
The next circle out represents your longer-term prospects and residents in the real estate geographic farm you target.
After that is a circle comprised of casual contacts and online leads that tend to go nowhere.
Finally, the bigger outer circle represents those people you don’t know at all. Strangers.
Of all … (4 comments)

real estate marketing company: New Realtors: The Tortoise & The Hare & Real Estate Marketing - 07/30/21 11:41 AM
Chances are, you’ve heard the children’s story of the turtle and the rabbit. One day — or should we say, once upon a time! — they decided to race each other.
The rabbit ran in fits and starts. He’d sprint for a bit, then tire and crash. Then run some more. The turtle, however, took a different approach. She raced at a steady pace.
You know how the story ends. The turtle won.
But she succeeded not because she was slow. That’s a myth. The real reason she won is that she created momentum. She did the right things, consistently, and got increasingly better … (8 comments)

real estate marketing company: How to Increase Conversions on your Real Estate Agent Website - 07/30/21 10:27 AM
Imagine a hot prospect visits your real estate agent website. They’re planning to sell and actively seeking real estate help. So, obviously, you’re hoping they’ll contact you.
But will they?
That depends, in large part, on the experience they have on your website. It’s a myth to think your website is like a magnet drawing people in and generating real estate leads. In fact, that’s not its primary purpose. What you need your website to do is:
Position you as a referral-worthy Realtor. Make it easy for prospects to learn more about you. Build trust. Capture the real estate lead. In other words, … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: 5 Simple Things You Can Do This Month to Build Relationships - 07/30/21 10:19 AM
The most successful agents are primarily relationship-builders.
If you take a close look at their businesses, you’ll see they nurture past client relationships (for real estate referrals), grow relationships with homeowners in their geographic farms, and regularly connect with local businesses and professionals.
As a result, they enjoy a steady stream of referrals and “high probability” real estate leads.
How do they build these relationships? Often, it’s by doing just a few simple things, consistently. Take a look at these ideas for what you can do this month to build more and better relationships.
Do a great job with every transaction Whether you’re helping … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: Does Your Real Estate Marketing Company Have Enough Experience? - 07/30/21 10:15 AM
To generate more real estate leads, you want to work with a real estate marketing company that knows what they’re doing, is dedicated to your success, and can help you build a thriving career.
One criteria you should be looking for is experience.
After all, if you wanted to learn how to play the guitar, who would you choose to teach you? Someone who just learned the three basic chords? Or an experienced guitarist who has a proven system for showing you how to play like Eric Clapton in 90 days?
The answer is obvious—experience matters.
So, when it comes to selecting a real estate … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: How to choose the right real estate mailing service - 07/30/21 10:08 AM
As you may know, real estate direct mail—and particularly real estate newsletters (such as farming newsletters)—is a proven way to generate leads. In fact, a monthly geo farming newsletter is a must if you want to dominate a geographic farm. The same is true of maximizing referrals from past clients.
However, to be successful with this tactic, you must work with the right real estate mailing service—ideally, a real estate direct mail company that takes the time to understand your goals and works to help achieve them.
So with that in mind, let’s take a look at the three general options you have … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: What does your real estate agent website say about you? - 07/30/21 10:04 AM
For obvious reasons, you want your initial interaction  — your first “meeting” — with a prospect to go well. You want to make a good impression. After all, this is the first step towards what will hopefully turn into a hot new real estate lead or client for you.
But it’s worth thinking about when that first meeting actually takes place.
It’s intuitive to assume your initial conversation with a new prospect occurs during a phone call, email, or meeting. However, that’s not always the case.
Sometimes, that first “meeting” happens on your realtor website.
Your website is essentially YOU having an initial conversation with … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: 7 Success Tips from a Successful Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing Company - 07/30/21 09:48 AM
If you had a chance to have lunch with a top-performing agent, you’d probably take the opportunity to pick that person’s brain. You’d ask for their best tips and advice on how to get more real estate listings, grow your income, and build a thriving career in real estate.
Well, this blog isn’t a lunch date. But we can still share our best tips for success with you, specifically when it comes to real estate direct mail (including real estate newsletters.)
After all, we’re one of the most successful real estate marketing companies in the industry. Direct mail is a key driver of … (1 comments)

real estate marketing company: 9 Good Reasons a Good Real Estate Newsletter Works - 07/30/21 09:43 AM
If you don’t currently use a printed real estate newsletter, you might wonder whether or not it’s a good idea. After all, do people even read their mail anymore? Isn’t everything online these days?
Those are common assumptions. But the facts tell a different story. Indeed, most top performers in the industry consider direct mail newsletters to be an integral part of their real estate marketing systems.
If you’re looking for more reasons why you should be using a good real estate newsletter service, here are nine of them.
According to studies by Canada Post and the USPS, direct mail is getting opened, … (1 comments)

real estate marketing company: Real Estate Agent Motivation: 3 Quick Tips to Boost Your Productivity - 07/30/21 09:04 AM
If you’re like most real estate professionals, you’ve had to learn new rules over the past year. You’ve had to work out how to meet effectively (and safely) with prospects and clients, how to market your services during the pandemic and generate real estate leads and referrals, how to conduct viewings in-person and via ZOOM — and so much more.
It’s been an adventure, to put it mildly! Unfortunately, riding so many new learning curves has probably also zapped your productivity.
Now we’re in a brand new year. How will you become more productive and accomplish more without working any harder than … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: 7 Ways to Add Value with your Real Estate Marketing - 07/30/21 09:00 AM
As you know, real estate marketing isn’t the same as selling running shoes. When you sell shoes, you’re focused squarely on the transaction. You make your pitch and hope it ends with the customer pulling out his credit card. If he doesn’t, you move on to the next shopper.
When you’re marketing your real estate services, however, it’s much more about building relationships. You want your prospect to know, like and trust you – and see you as their go-to agent.
The primary way you do that is by adding value.
When you’re adding value with each contact you make with your prospects, it’s … (6 comments)

real estate marketing company: How Building Relationships Gives You a Huge Competitive Edge - 07/30/21 08:58 AM
You can probably relate to the following scenario…
You meet a couple at an event. You introduce yourself as a real estate agent in their area. They tell you they’re thinking of selling within the next few months. So, you offer to schedule a listing presentation to explain how you might be able to help them.
Good so far!
Then it happens. They respond with, “Ah… well… we’ve known another agent for a long time. Rupelyn. She’s very active in our area. In fact, she mails us updates each month. We really like her.”
You try not to seem too disappointed. But you know that … (1 comments)

real estate marketing company: Real estate marketing: When to automate and when to customize - 07/30/21 08:55 AM
If you were filming a virtual property tour, there are two ways you could go about it. The first would be to conduct the tour for a specific buyer client. You’d get them on a ZOOM call, take them virtually through the home, and answer questions.

That would undoubtedly be effective. However, it would also be very time-consuming. Especially if you did that for every prospect!

Another way would be to record a property tour and add that video to a web page or MLS listing. That way, you could quickly send the link to interested prospects.

As an agent interested in boosting real … (3 comments)

real estate marketing company: Looking for a Real Estate Marketing Company? 5 Questions to Ask - 02/19/21 11:46 AM
We realize that offering you tips on choosing a real estate marketing company is like asking a kid at a lemonade stand who has the best drinks.
He’s going to say, “I do!”
But the truth is, we’ve been working with real estate agents for decades. We’ve learned a thing or two about how agents can generate more real estate leads and referrals, with more certainty, and with less work. We’ve also learned which types of real estate marketing products are effective. And which are not.
That said, we understand if you’d like to do your research among real estate marketing companies before committing. … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: An Inside Look at an Effective Direct Mail Newsletter - 02/19/21 09:44 AM
Here at Morris Real Estate Marketing Group, we’ve been helping agents generate real estate leads and client referrals for decades. So we’ve learned a thing or two about what works — particularly when it comes to a real estate newsletter.
Although a real estate direct mail newsletter is a proven tactic for staying in touch with clients (to get more referrals), just sending any real estate newsletter isn’t enough.
Your real estate newsletter needs to stand out from other mail, get read, and build your reputation with prospects and clients as their go-to agent.
That’s why content, design, and customization options are so important.
Let’s … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: Real Estate Agents: What Are the Obstacles to Your Success? - 02/18/21 01:28 PM

Visit Morris Real Estate Marketing Group's YouTube channel for more great real estate marketing tips and advice.

real estate marketing company: Real Estate Agents: Are Prospects “Ghosting” You When You Follow Up? - 02/18/21 01:23 PM
Imagine you recently had a first meeting with a new seller prospect. You got along well with them and had a great conversation. They seemed interested, even eager, to work with you. When you got back to your car, you could barely resist shouting out a celebratory, “Nailed it!”
But then, a few days later, when you try to follow-up, they don’t return your calls or emails.
What happened?
There could be many reasons why a prospect doesn’t respond to your follow-up attempts. It could be as simple as that person being busy at work. It could also be that they’ve needed to delay … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: Are all real estate marketing companies the same? - 02/18/21 12:36 PM
Imagine you meet someone at a client appreciation event you’ve organized. It’s a friendly conversation, but when the topic of real estate agents comes up, that person says, “Well, all agents are pretty much the same, aren’t they? After all, they all sell homes. They all help you buy a new home. There’s no major difference between one and another.”
How would you react?
You’d probably feel that person is seriously mistaken! That’s because you know there can be huge differences between agents. If a homeowner chooses the wrong real estate professional for her sale, the consequences can be devastating.
And yet…
Some agents think … (0 comments)

real estate marketing company: Morris Real Estate Marketing Group: We're Here for You - 02/18/21 09:17 AM


Morris Marketing, North America's #1 Real Estate Marketing Systems (Morris Real Estate Marketing Group)

Morris Marketing

North America's #1 Real Estate Marketing Systems

Toronto, ON

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Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Address: 137 Bentworth Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6A1P6

Office: 1.800.308.6134

Fax: 416.252.4328



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