Hawaii Mortgage Loan Officer and Hawaii VA Loan Eligibility

Mortgage and Lending - TBA
Aloha Everyone,There will be a FREE Community Homebuyer Fair in KapoleiWhen: 9am-4pm on Saturday, June 23rd. Where: Kapolei Hale  - 100 Ulu'ohi'a StreetThere will be the following workshops to help homebuyers:Homeowership 101 - Credit Counseling BasicsQualify for a Mortgage - Homebuyer Resources ...
I often get inquiries from clients who want to cash out their equity, but don't often know that there are 2 different ways to do this (other than selling your home!).  Either through a Home Equity Loan or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). Here are the differences, and how to consider which is...
Aloha Everyone,Here's this weeks average mortgage interest rates based on a survey of large lenders: Hawaii Mortgage Interest Rates:  (30 yr fixed) 6.47 percent, Average points: 0.26Mortgage rates RISE AGAIN as investors paid more attention to the stock market than the negative news about house p...
Aloha Rainers,According to a national survery of large lenders, the average 30 yr fixed-mortgage rate is 6.42%... the highest it has been in 16 weeks!   This is with an average total of 0.26 discount and origination points.  It was 6.26% just a week ago.Customers still have the option of buying d...
Aloha Everyone,Here's this weeks average mortgage interest rates based on a survey of large lenders: Hawaii Mortgage Interest Rates:  (30 yr fixed) 6.42 percent, Average points: 0.26Interest rates rose this week as investors sold bonds to buy stocks.  When investors sell a lot of bonds, bond pric...
Aloha Everyone,Here's this weeks average mortgage interest rates based on a survey of large lenders: Mortgage Rates:  (30 yr fixed) 6.32 percent, Average points: 0.26Rates rose a slightly but not much from last week.  The hasn't been any major economic news to really move mortgage rates that much...
Aloha Fellow Rainers,If the title of this blog sounds familiar, it's because I recently wrote a blog about The Truth about Yellow Page Advertising and had decent response to it, so I thought I'd share with you another form of advertising:  Radio. While sometimes I wish I've been in Mortgage since...
Aloha Fellow Rainers,As we are building our business, whether you are an Agent, Lender, etc., we always look for the best ways to promote and advertise ourselves.  There are so many forms of media to choose from, you wonder where you can get the best ROI- Return On Investment.I've been in mortgag...
Aloha Everyone, Here are the average rates of 5 popular consumer banking products based on a survey of large banks*:Mortgage Interest Rates: 6.29 percent (30-year fixed) Average points: 0.24Mortgage rates have been steady the past four weeks. The average 30-year fixed rate is 6.29 percent. The av...
Hey folks,I have a client looking for a condo (Oahu) that accepts dogs over 75 pounds!  Does anyone know of such a place?  I know places downtown that are pet friendly, but with a weight limit.  She first asked me about Queen Emma Gardens, but when I called their limit was 35 lbs.  So I'm thinkin...

Pete C

Hawaii Mortgage Loan and Refinance
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Hawaii Mortgage, Hawaii VA Loan, Hawaii Jumbo Loan, Hawaii Interest Rates, Hawaii Mortgage Rates, Honolulu Mortgage Loan