realtor: “What do you mean you have to go to work? Don’t you work from home?” - 11/27/12 12:50 PM
“What do you mean you have to go to work? Don’t you work from home?”
 Do you have a home office? How many times have you heard those words?

I love my home office, I mean REALLY love it! I recently went to 100% of my work time being in my home office and I appreciate the comfort, freedom and cost effectiveness of working from home… the challenge is getting friends, clients and family to realize that I am actually working! I love the invitations to go shopping, paddling, a long lunch with the girls, etc… but if … (7 comments)

realtor: What does work ethic mean to you? - 03/02/12 11:55 AM
What does work ethic mean to you? To some of us it is simply a statement made by or an idea promoted by our parents or grandparent. To some it is a complaint held over their head by employers, parents or teachers. To me it means doing what needs done even when you don’t wanna…

Having 3 children, these words “Work Ethic” get used quite a bit. Sometimes as a Positive, sometimes not… but over the last few weeks it has come to mean even more to me. You see, last Friday my husband (who is also a REALTOR® and … (2 comments)

realtor: Don't Make an Ass out of U and Me! - 12/29/09 10:45 AM
I recently read Susan Sawyers blog on being a Honest REALTOR and it really struck a chord, my comment became so long in response that I had to turn it into a blog! Susan's blog also got me to thinking about REALTOR Stereotypes; Some are good and we need to encourage them, while others...well, not so much...
As far as being a Honest REALTOR; One comment to Susan's blog was by Randy Landis who heard another Realtor's spouse make the statement that "Realtors have earned their reputation around here" and it wasn't meant in a good way".  Sadly this is all to true. It is up … (5 comments)

realtor: Three Lovely Lots All in a Row! Great Value in Hawaii's Tropical Nanawale Estates! - 01/29/09 12:43 PM

realtor: Tropical Hawaii! Affordable Side by7 side lots in Affordable Orchid Land Estates! - 01/29/09 12:24 PM

realtor: Beautiful & Affordable Land in Tropical Hawaii! 3 Acres of Paradise! - 01/29/09 09:09 AM

realtor: Locks Of Love...2 feet of Hair...and me! - 10/23/08 10:28 AM
Aloha Everyone!
This may well be one of the oddest post yet! It's all about what I did Tuesday the 21st of October...I cut my Hair! This may not be a big deal to some people but my last haircut was over 8 years ago and I haven't had it this short for over 20 years!  So the question that begs to be asked is Why...
Simple answer, Locks of Love this fantastic non profit helps provide financially challenged children that have permanent hair loss due to disease or accident a chance to boost their self esteem & confidence with personal hair prosthetics made from … (1 comments)

realtor: I am really proud to carry THIS bag to the store! - 09/25/08 02:06 PM

I receive/purchase grocery bags seems that every time I go to the store I buy more than I had intended and neglect to bring enough "green" bags with me and of course the store is so akamai that they have a convenient selection of them right at the check out stand (go ahead, tell me this never happens to you) So I have Bags from the county of Hawaii, Political parties, associations, loves bakery, etc... But I have to say that my favorite grocery bag is this one! I just received it at the Pac Rim Conference and I … (0 comments)

Trevella Williams, Realtor, Salesperson, ABR SFR (Aloha Coast Realty, LLC)

Trevella Williams

Realtor, Salesperson, ABR SFR

Hilo, HI

More about me…

Aloha Coast Realty, LLC

Address: 614 Kilauea Avenue #101, Hilo, HI, 96720

Office: (808) 934-7600

Mobile: (808) 756-1749

Sometimes random, sometimes relevant...but rarely redundant! If it tickles my funny bone or catchs my interest I tend to share it...share back! I'm interested in what you have to say!




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